Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/04/12/how-we-got-rid-of-silverfish.html
Before silverfish reproduce they carry out a ritual involving three phases, which may last over half an hour. In the first phase, the male and female stand face to face, their quivering antennae touching, then repeatedly back off and return to this position. In the second phase the male runs away and the female chases him. In the third phase the male and female stand side by side and head-to-tail, with the male vibrating his tail against the female. Finally the male lays a spermatophore, a sperm capsule covered in gossamer, which the female takes into her body via her ovipositor to fertilize her eggs.
So romantic!
Nasty, squirmy little things. They’re not even particularly easy to stomp. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with them in my current lodgings. I find myself skeptical that they could be so easily dispensed with.
No, my biggest concern now is carpet worms. At least they’re slow and tiny. Any particular miracle cures for those?
Thanks Mark, keep us posted as we have a similar situation. Not bad enough to call an exterminator, but enough for us to be annoyed.
I very much wish there was a solution this simple for fungus gnats. I’ve tried everything short of actually throwing my plants away.
Are carpet worms similar to carpet beetles? I have those, but not in any serious concentration (sometimes I find holes in sweaters, but it’s not like I’m overrun).
It’s oddly difficult to find definitive resources about them, especially in comparison to silverfish. I think they’re actually carpet beetle larvae, but I pretty much never find the beetles (and on those rare occasions, they seem to be dead). I’ve yet to find them in my clothing, though I did find some in an old bubble mailer once (yuck).
Carpet beetles are a curse. There a kind of Dermestid beetle, also known as skin or hide beetles. There’s not a lot you can do. Sweep, shake, air out, or freeze.
I have fungus gnats and i’ve been quite unsuccessful in getting rid of them. Tried neem oil, nematodes, and some other natural methods. Last thing i haven’t tried is covering the top layer of my potted plant with sand, it’s supposed to work well… i hadn’t done so before because its just something i keep putting off and forgetting to do.
I’ve done the covering-the-top-layer thing, but used this stuff: https://www.amazon.com/Growstone-Gnat-Fungus-Control-9-Liter/dp/B00IGFH0LS/
Weirdly it has largely worked, except on a few plants where the gnats are now concentrated (I think). So I’ve purchased some poison for the soil in hopes of breaking the cycle. They are SO annoying.
Hmmm. interesting. I might try it. Thanks!
I also bought a larger grit version from the same company based on a user’s feedback. The larger grit protects the small grit during watering, so you don’t end up with holes in the protection. I’ve also taken to putting a rock down and pouring water onto that to further diffuse and prevent holes.
Of note: This product significantly reduces evaporation, I’ve found I need to water my plants less, and less often, and I’ve learned this by WAY overwatering. Don’t be like me.
Good tip on the holes from watering, and the less evaporation would probably work to my favor. I find that my current soil in the pot dries up a bit too quickly.
I’ve got ants in the bathroom and kitchen; traps have done nothing. Anyone have suggestions for getting rid of the buggers?
Listen to Archer when he tells you things?
Treating outside and under the house (if pier and beam) in those areas has worked for me. If you’re in an apartment or condo, I have no special advice.
Hot water, sugar, borax. Mix well and soak a few cotton balls in it, then place them where they hang out.
It’ll be a superhighway for a bit as they take it back to the colony, but the borax will be their eventual undoing and you’ll stop seeing them after a few days.
Peppermint oil worked for us. They hate it.
The worst spot we had them in our last house was they came down from the roof in the microwave and exhaust hood vent pipe. I tried nuking them but apparently ants aren’t affected by microwaves.
I filled a measuring cup with water, put a tablespoon or two of peppermint oil in there and boiled it away in the microwave. Repeated once. Never had them again.