HP detonates its timebomb: printers stop accepting third party ink en masse

Careful, he doesn’t like to answer difficult questions without a good party line. Something something vigorously defend our patent!

My ten year old Brother finally had the toner go the other day. Given the cost of a pair of new toners I just immediately went out and got a new one for less. I expect the new one to get us at least five years. And it has wifi!


Their timebomb exploded HP. Not only have they maneuvered themselves into anonymity with their formerly popular computers, they are now killing their printers as well. No more HP products for me and I advise everyone I meet that they too should not buy HP products.

When you set off a time bomb, it’s considered appropriate that it not explode your own home. HP isn’t smart enough to recognize that fact. We won’t miss them.

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real consequences

Sounds like @popobawa4u has already started backtracing HP and is mobilizing the Cyber-Police as we speak…

20 years from now we’ll be helpless against the robot uprising because shutting them down will violate the DMCA


Not sure why this is flagged


new user meets spam filter for the posted link.


I’m pretty sure someone somewhere is printing quite happily on my old Apple Laserwriter 300.

Well, my 15 year old HP still works, but HP no longer makes drivers for it. Plus it uses one of the most expensive liquids in the world, HP printer ink. For the price I just paid for a single ink cartridge I could have bought a new, current printer, or even a printer/ scanner. But it has usb and a parallel port…just in case… Sigh…

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