Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/02/human-embryos-have-lizard-hand.html
ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
So I take it this disappears sometime after the gill slits?
There it is…
I’m so confused. Which part of the Book of Genesis is this research based on? Somewhere on the sixth day, obviously, but can you pin it down more specifically?
I wonder if people experience those muscles as phantom limbs
These appearing and disappearing, or atavistic, muscles
That’s not what atavistic means. I think the journalist heard the word being used by a scientist (correctly, to describe something that is a seeming vestige of a prior evolutionary ancestor*), and rather than look it up, took their best guess based on context clues.
*Which is why the term is sometimes used to describe dudes (and presidents) acting like straight-up troglodytes.
I still have mine.
Cool. I wonder what the chances are of a person being born with full on lizard muscles?
No. It does not.
So it would seem.
See also:
This fellow seems to have that problem…
Aortic arches, gills, tails and other embryological proofs of evolutionary theory abound in the developing fetus. Every phylum is represented.
Anti-choice activists are all on about fetus heart beats. “Oh yeah, and it has lizard muscles too…”
Depends on local chemtrail concentration; and HAARP activity.
The Reptilians turn those up when they need more suitable hosts; and ratchet them back down when they have sufficient hosts and need more mammalian cattle.
It’s just science.
Look at the Russian ambassador’s face @ 1:33. He can’t help but laugh at Sellers antics.
It reminds me of lazily maintained code on Github, with functions that are not used and possibly don’t even work anymore but are still in codebase because nobody cared to remove them.
GOD put them there to make your question your faith!!! Just like he made all those rock strata and dinosaur bones!!!