I have aphantasia: my mind's eye is permanently closed

Yes! I’ve been reading these comments, trying to figure out where I was on the scale. I thought I was a 1, because when given a prompt, I can visualize fine detail (color, texture, weight, even smell), I can manipulate objects (rotate, zoom in and out, squash and stretch), even disassembling things that I’ve seen the insides of. But I’m not actually seeing the thing as though it was in front of me. It feels like the image is behind my eyes, suspended in my head. Exactly like some kind of mental peripheral vision. But unlike the ocular version, it’s as obscure or clear as I want it to be.


It’s interesting reading how others “see” things and the words we use to try to describe it.
I mentioned above, I’m (I think) hypophantasic, the one that can see/picture things really well. I’d never before thought of trying to describe what I see or where it is.
I have an easier time picturing stuff with my eyes open, rather than closed. And what I picture is usually very vivid, but it doesn’t block out anything in real life when I see it. It’s almost as if the image is floating a little up and (usually) to the right. Sometimes inside my skull, sometimes just outside.


Adding to the weirdness: my wife and son both have a thing where their dreams don’t always stop when they wake up. It’s normal for them to sometimes wake up and still see and hear creatures or characters from their dreams in the room with them. It needs dim lighting - switching on a lamp dispels the dream-visitor, so that’s the first thing I do when she wakes me up to ask me about e.g. that strange bird on the ceiling.

We’d figured it out with her before the boy came along, so I wasn’t surprised when I went into his room late one night when he was barely two. I’d heard him rustling around, and when I quietly walked into the dark room, he looked at me, then pointed to the wall and said in very puzzled tones “Choo choo?”. “Ah, I gotcha buddy.” I opened the door wider to let the hall light spill in. He looked briefly confused, then sighed in relief and flopped down to sleep.


Brains are weird!


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