I used this cool liquid plastic welding material to repair a broken butter tray door

Mercury amalgam slightly expands when setting, most of the alternatives slightly contract instead. Its corrosion products also seal the interface between the tooth and the amalgam. Lasts long, and is not sensitive to moisture during installation. Not a bad material, at all.


i agree.

when it is working as intended it is a fantastic material with little risk. it is only if it is failing or in a repeated strike zone, or when they are being replaced, that people experience increased exposure to mercury. Most people with properly installed fillings won’t experience these issues. It does happen though, so good to be aware of when it can be an issue even if it usually isn’t.

gold is fantastically bio-compatible and non-toxic though, and it makes your grill so pretty!

plus in a post apocalyptic future you can barter your teeth! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There are many dental alloys, some are quite light in the precious metal content and correspondingly cheaper.

They cannot be too hard, as otherwise they would wear down the mating teeth. Of course, if both the mating surfaces are metal, that mitigates this concern; then there are the corrosion resistance, ease of machining, magnetic properties (because of future MRI examinations), etc…; lots of parameters to design the alloys to.

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with modern materials, i’m surprised we don’t’ have the option to install anchors in our top and bottom jaws and get completely new almost indestructible teeth all around. maybe that is an option somewhere but not that i’ve heard of.

drill and patch just seems so construction level, like drywall.


It actually exists.



On the rare occasions he had been wrong about a technical issue he has admitted it.

You’re really going to tell your grammaw she doesn’t know doodly squat about sucking eggs, because you read the back of a box of factory eggs?

You’ll be lucky if you only get the spoon.


There is one thing that I hate more than being wrong and it is being wrong and not knowing it. Improving requires feedback. But it has to be a better feedback than just a repeated claim.

I kind of hoped he has some ace up his sleeve, that he turns into a career photochemist and I get to know something unexpected.


If we trust DuPont, we should be able to trust this other random manufacturer, is that the gist of this?


I’m sorry, I don’t speak Frontier Gibberish.

My dentist used this for me, not for fillings but for bonding fake tooths (caps). We all had cool glasses on, and the assistant stayed, but I wouldn’t blame people who are occupationally associated with harmful things to limit their exposure. Stuff happens.


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