Idiot's guide to Japanese apartments

Thank you for posting this. They seem to be a personable young couple and they do a very credible job on this and the other videos of theirs I watched, with some of the same flavor as a (long-dead) show which we used to watch and enjoy, Soko ga Shiritai (そこが知りたい).


Oh man I loved that show!

Oh man I loved that show!

It is still on the air here. It took us a while before we realized that we were watching repeats. (Now it is kind of obvious, for example from the age of the cars.)

Long since stopped airing in Japan and they dont do reruns here. I used to have about 100 eps burned to VCD but those have long since gone the way of lost data. Funny thing is most of the eps were so old that by the time I went to check out some of those places in the 00s, they were long gone.

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• Worst toilet situation: trying to use a squat toilet on a small raised platform on a moving shinkansen train. Rivaled only by my first experience with a squat toilet in a train station at 2am. I hate those things.

• Best: my first experience with a Japanese all-singing-all-dancing bidet seat with air-drying, etc. Made extra weird as the only thing separating me from the diners at a restaurant several feet away was a paper screen.

• Karaoke in Tokyo is an experience. I went to a high-rise karaoke parlor where you get your own little room for an hour to sing with your friends, and can get a CD of your attempt afterwards. This is where I discovered that in Japan, Right Said Fred is still popular enough to have three pages of songs in the karaoke catalog.

• Most interesting dining experience: the Christon Cafe in Shinjuku, which is a Catholic church themed restaurant. Followed closely by eating in Namjatown, which then included a Gyoza Stadium and the Ice Cream Museum, where I tried garlic-mint ice cream called Dracula The Cool.


There are about 18 thousand “Tarento go look at stuff and eat food” shows on Japanese and Korean TV at any given moment. Surely they can get the rights to another one?

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It is for toast.

The toast would probably prefer to be in the soup.

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They do show others, but apparently Soko remains popular; it often has higher local ratings than the prime time network shows it is up against. There is something about the pacing of the show and the personality of the hosts that is hard to reproduce.


Any number greater than zero is too many


Without them how would we know what a gravure idol looks like fully-clothed?

So what’s ramen like in the mother country?



I like chicken better but eh. Then again I’m probably a heathen for liking a deep bowl rather than wide/shallow.

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