Originally published at: If Duolingo came out in the eighties, you'd need floppy disks to install it | Boing Boing
I love how duolingo has their own custom branded speech thing.
Umm - almost ANYTHING that came out in the 80s would have needed floppies to install, surely?
“or, you can build it yourself for only 15 dollars”
It’s been downhill ever since for M$ Office tho.
Not everything…
Brrrrrrr-deeeep! Chkchkhchkchk-weeeeee! Sqrlrlrlrlrlrlrl-weeeeep!
Aaaah, the Before Times.
ah the vic-20. where the 20 meant 20k of memory.
this will irrevocably reveal my age: but that was my first computer. poor little machine.
^ this was not pacman. but it was the best you had.
The Vic-20 had 5k, if I remember my Adrian Black correctly.
wikipedia implies that it was designed to get rid of 1 Kbit×4 Sram chips that commodore had an excess of. 10 chips would fit.
@jerwin already covered the memory, the 20 was a marketing adjusted nod to the 22 columns.
Snacman (sic?). Had that
oh interesting! ive spent the last [redacted] thinking otherwise. really wish we could have a c64. the vic20 didn’t have a lot of uses
although, that said, i guess it did help me learn a language. even if it was kind of basic
I remember those days. I also remember the colorful language that would follow when I’d get to disk 17 or 18 and have the install crash. :^(
Even hardware, most of the time! Got to have those drivers!
Did y’all catch that in the video? Silver Haze in the coffee shops of Amsterdam. What a weird name for coffee!
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