If You See Something (IRL), Post Something! (Part 2)

I spent some time trying to figure out what this group of things was. It’s in a new park.

As you can see, it’s right next to some outdoor fitness equipment and volleyball nets, and at first I thought it was for some specialized kind of climbing. But the fitness equipment all has helpful labels identifying what the pieces are for and how to use them, while there is no label for this. Then I decided that, being in its own separate, grassy area, it’s probably some public art. That “rusted” finish—that’s artsy, right?

As art, what do you suppose it’s all about? My take: It seems a bit bleak. I guessed it’s a comment on climate change…representing dead trees, in which woodpeckers have pecked holes all the way through? Kind of sad in a vibrant, fun-filled park, but what the heck, huh? Climate change has entered our lives.

And then I thought: Hey, you could hang hammocks from them…but that might seem insulting toward the art…

And guess what—when I got home I found a pdf online of plans for the new parks in that area, and it lists “Hammocking” for that park. And there’s a photo of similar posts, with people in hammocks hanging from them. (If you want to see that photo, it’s on page 34 here— Highland Bridge Park C Concept/Park C Amenities)

Conclusion: Art? Or Hammocking? Why not both?

What other things would you do with them? I want to run ropes through the holes and make a free-form giant spider web.