Would additional information make that look less terrifying?
It is safely bolted down up and has been accepted by the local construction supervision authority.
Okay, I think I understand the rationale here; a big lorry is more likely to weigh more than a small lorry. But that’s not really any kind of guarantee, is it. So if that bridge can take 5 tons max, maybe checking a vehicle’s weight might be somewhat safer. Doesn’t even need to be a big scale to weigh the whole vehicle at once. There are small portable ones, you check the load on half of one axle and add up. Why, in a lot of situations one guy with a clipboard may do.
All that needs is an L plate.
I assume it’s for cost & simplicity. P. R. in general seems to have problems maintaining public infrastructure.
I mean…they’re not saying you’re a bad person if you don’t bag the poop and put it in a receptacle…but they are saying you’re a very good dog if you do
I took this photo because it amused me, and it reminded me of my dad. He would sometimes quote an old advertising slogan, Untouched by human hands. And then he would always add: “Made by the dogs themselves!”
P.S. It was a very windy day, that’s why the plastic bag coming out the bottom of the dispenser is horizontal.
This head made of wax is originally an ex-voto. But it was laying in a garden next to a plastic dish with some food. I think it was part an offering, magic ritual or something out of the mind of an art student.
you didn’t touch it, did you?!!!