If you're too young to remember the magic of Tower Records, here's what you missed

I can say the same about the ATL location - lots of off the wall finds there. But they had to compete with a healthy set of indie record shops in the city (and over in Athens too) and I’m sure that was the case in NYC as well.

Yeah, NYC had no shortage of far more interesting record stores. Tower was okay, but really the only reason I ever went there was because there was one near my house that a friend worked the register at, so I’d get discounts – anything I bought cost four bucks, no matter what the sticker price said. I can see how it would have been something special to a kid in the burbs or BFE though.

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The Tower Records on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Newbury Street in Boston was amazing. 3 floor of goodness. Just about anything was available there. Music, Books, T-shirts, DVDs, weird merch like stuffed dolls, belts, and shot glasses, Even musical instruments at times. The sad thing was it opened just as the physical media market was collapsing. I miss that store.

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