Ikea's next lawyer target: Ikeafans.com

Ikea lawyers stay busy policing the Web as they take on Ikeafans.com (Ars Technica).

After working closely with Ikea for years, Ikea’s lawyers tell Susan and James Martin (whose site ikeafans.com has been more or less free advertisement for Ikea for about 9 years) it’s time to close shop and give over their domain name to Ikea.

To fight the move, the Martins filed a lawsuit against Ikea. Good luck to them (not sarcasm, in case it isn’t clear).

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How can Ikea possibly think that doing this is going to improve their image. The best outcome they can hope for is no change to the status quo, the worst could be a complete loss of faith in them and their brand.

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They should fire their lawyers and use the vast amounts of money they’ll save to fund the Martins’ site instead. Instant goodwill and super cheap advertising. Idiots.

I am not even understanding what is going on with Ikea. The Ikeahackers site was so great and who knows how much crap they sold based on the ideas people came up with for modding their boxola stuff into useful, creative things. What the heck Ikea?


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