In 1925, Aimé Tschiffely set out to ride two horses from Buenos Aires to New York City

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Horse Off Course…


There are other female long riders. Bernice Ende, Two Gun Nan Aspinwall (who shod her own horses along the way), Alberta Claire, Ella Sykes, Lady Anne Blunt (her sidesaddle freaked the locals), Ana Beker, Eileen Bowdage, Fanny Duberly, and Martha Wadsworth, among many others. Ms Wadsworth made a yearly trek from DC back to her home in Genesee Valley, New York, and even took a different route each time. In 2015, Alienor Le Gouvello traveled 5,330km on Australia’s Bicentennial Trail, with three feral horses whom she’d gentled by herself, and a dog. Since it opened in 1988, only 35 people have completed the trail. Le Gouvello is the second woman to complete the trip and the only person to have the same horses from beginning to end.’s-ride-or-a-symbol-of-male-domination-part-ii/

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