In a Time of Hugs and Kisses: XOXO 2013


Great post, Glenn. As one of the hundred folks that came up to you, I’d like to say thanks. Andy is right to call you a poster child because you share your experience and inspiration without snark or cynicism.

Tim Schafer from Double Fine made a joke that was often repeated. When he feels jealous of others, he tries to replace that word with ‘inspired’. He said he was really ‘inspired’ by his friends house that had two bathrooms compared to his one. And he made that joke as if it was just a superficial swap of the two words. But I think that gets to the heart of what XOXO is/was about, which is actually replacing those emotions. The things we make are mostly not in net zero industries. We can all succeed together, and XOXO was a wave of feeling inspired by others’ success, not wallowing in jealousy.

Aw, thanks! I spend most of my life facilitating the work of other people or introducing it — whether that was technology in the past, or writers’ and artists’ work now with the Magazine or people’s stories in the podcast. So I’m always “inspired” (lots of combined emotions) about all the people I work with and talk to. XOXO just fits so well the way I hope we could all work together.

I’ve spent serious time in my life trying to remove jealousy, which is based on fear and possessiveness. It’s also very human. Great insight on your part about that. No wallowing! Only celebrating!

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