In letter, Supreme Court justice Alito blames wife at length for pro-coup flags outside their houses: "She makes her own decisions"

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Alito was a Reagan appointee to the DOJ. His job was get rid of Affirmative Action and Voter Rights. He failed then but he hasn’t given up.


His versions of the incidents quoted have also been exposed as lies.


My wife is a private citizen, and she possesses the same First Amendment, rights as every other American.

True, but she AND YOU are still subject to the consequences of that speech. It means you cannot be impartial. RECUSE YOURSELF NOW.


And here’s a posting about the lying letter Alito just sent to Senators Durbin and Whitehouse as to why - given a sequence of lies - he’ll not recuse himself on cases involving the insurrection/trump which he so clearly is an avid supporter of (no surprise there) -sigh-

Here’s Alito’s BS letter explaining why his insurrection flag is no biggie

Yes, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an upside-down flag at his Virginia home shortly after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol—widely understood as a “Stop the Steal” nod among Donald Trump’s insurrectionist supporters.

And yes, he flew an “Appeal to Heaven” flag—another favorite among insurrectionists and Christian nationalists—at his New Jersey beach house.

No, he won’t be recusing himself from any insurrection-related cases before the court, despite the many calls for him to do, because fuck you is why and also he did nothing wrong and also it’s his wife’s fault anyway.

Here’s his letter to Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse, the leading Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying so.


Alito’s wife owns property and gets to do what she chooses? Has he gone woke?



“what I regard as the vilest epithet that can be addressed to a woman”
So someone called his wife “intelligent?”


More than that, apparently she has vexillological autonomy as well.


If this is on the Republic of Gilead scale, it might have been “barren.”


So, apparently the incident that they’re claiming led to her flying the flag in fact came after she started flying the flag. (NYTimes link is paywalled.)

In related news, Maine has been considering going back to it’s old 1901 “Pine Tree & North Star” flag, except the old flag also happens to look like the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, so it’s complicating the debate.



Clearly men in power are simply under control of their wives and incapable of independent action, emotionally paralyzed and unable to act or think as adults. It’s so unfair to them. We should forbid that gender from the courts for a couple hundred years and make 'em earn in back if their wives agree men can work outside the home at some point. While they are home perhaps they can repay some of the lost earnings with domestic and emotional labor. I’ve been thinking… do they even need bank accounts or voting rights? Should they be able to initiate divorces? I mean… they need us to take care of them obviously or else they can’t even protect their own homes from women’s tyranny. Perhaps the best role for them is one where they look for a good woman to take care of them as early as possible and let the grown ups work on cleaning up the country after their incessant failures.


Also anti-labor / union-busting, with some success.

It one boxed? Awesome! Now to work on my end to get the specific tidder to show. :confetti_ball:


Alito has thrown his wife under the bus so hard, Ted Cruz wrote him a letter of admiration.

Also, the Alitos sound like absolutely awful neighbors. Not as bad as, say, Boebert or Gaetz or Greene, barfing all over the trailer park, shooting fireworks off after midnight, getting busted for smoking crack, etc. Just the HOA types who complain that your visiting relatives are parked in the street, that your garden hoses aren’t the right shade of green, or who sneak into your house hoping to steal stuff…

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What is it with Conservatives throwing their wives under the bus?

Let’s say this is 100% true, he had nothing to do with it. AND… do you support what she did or not?


As we’ve already seen regarding that other SC Justice with an election-denying, pro-insurrectionist wife. :frowning:

These guys should be impeached, but making sure that the winner of the next election isn’t someone who will appoint more of these wingnuts to the court is the next best thing, I guess.


TL;DR: on June 14, 1964 (Flag Day) the city raised 18 flags in Civic Center Plaza in front of city hall, each one commemorating “a key moment in or symbol in American history.” A Confederate flag was included for many years as well, but eventually taken down over Dianne Feinstein’s objections (an example of one of the times she was just flat wrong on policy).

I can recognize the original sentiment was probably well-intentioned in a “hey look at how all these different groups have come together to stand united” kind of way but yeesh, probably past time to take that whole installation back to the drawing board.


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