In San Francisco, thieves are now stealing catalytic converters from police cars

… yeah, well, “history is written by the winners,” and the winners are people who didn’t have to leave


Also, everything has always been awful throughout most of history everywhere and there were no “good old days”

We have to keep fighting to make future good new days and we are going to get there with empathy and compassion, not by throwing people in distressed circumstances in jail when it would be cheaper to just help them


Everybody I ever knew who moved to The City with a car ended up having it towed for some petty reason and never getting it back because the process was too expensive and they didn’t actually need a car in The City

… That would suck just as much as getting one’s catalytic converter stolen, but it’s not a crime, it’s deliberate public policy


I managed to avoid it in the 20 years I lived there, but I had a driveway at least for 15 of those. I do like how they have stepped up their game these days so that using your driveway is no longer safe! That’s clever!

ETA: It probably sucks more since you can’t file an insurance claim for not getting your car out after it has been stolen towed by the cops. I guess you could file a police report saying that it was stolen and not mentioning it was the police that did it…


I had my car towed within two years of living there. I did get it back, but it had about a dozen new scratches on it and it reeked of BO. That’ll teach me to misread the notoriously Byzantine parking signs that cover every pole on every street in the City. They’re riddled with rules and exceptions which you will spend 20 mins trying to decipher and probably still get wrong.


The city I live in has also been awash in catalytic converter thefts over the past year or so. Recently, the police have announced they cracking down on cars with modified exhausts. Coincidence?



I first misread the quote you’re responding to as “every gentrification in SF has an ‘everything went to hell’ story,” which is oddly apt.


That’s why I was asking when llamahunter moved to SF. When I worked at 24th and Valencia in the early 2000’s it was basically a gang warzone. There were multiple shooting every weekend. I knew lots of people who wouldn’t go into the mission after dark, even for cheap delicious tacos and dollar beers.

The astroturfing against Boudin (and maybe just the bay in general) has been a huge campaign. The Bay Area subs on reddit have been completely unreadable because of it. I imagine if I had more social media I would see even more of it.


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