Inside the profitable world of shill Yelp reviews

In both ebay and uber, 4 stars is a failing grade.

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Well thats definitely another reason why I’m not their customer! Sheesh! I thought it was obvious…

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I read that as ‘shrill Yelp reviews’ at first. Which are most definitely also a thing.


On an unrelated note, that spokeswoman needs to get her veneers redone. Those are horrible on her.

I use Yelp mainly for restaurant reviews. I expect that there will be a few glowing 5-star reviews shilled by friends of the owners, and a few “worst service ever, and I think I saw a rat before the food poisoning kicked in.” Most of them are fairly obvious.

Also, since my area has a lot of different ethnic groups and a lot of different kinds of ethnic restaurants and a lot of foodies who’ll try anything, I expect to see some balance of “totally authentic, just like my grandma makes back in the old country” and “what trash, my grandma would never have made it like that!” Lots of both is fine; 90% of one or the other is usually a hint. (And I usually ignore rants about bad service, but believe rants about it being really crowded. I’m usually fine with slow service and dishes arriving in random order; the more serious service problem is whether you can make a reservation for a large group and have it work instead of failing badly.)

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