Internet filters considered harmful

Wrong. Commenters can’t censor your posts. No one cares enough to send out messages to the world, encouraging the pitchfork librarians to come here and vote you down.


No. You claim to be simply ‘reporting’, resulting in being ‘shot as a messenger’, but as a former journalist/reporter I know that’s far from what you’re actually doing. Reporting is meant to be objective, fair and balanced. By (somewhat aggressively, in my view) challenging Cory to a debate on the issue, you’ve effectively inserted yourself into the issue - become subjective, in other words.


I’m really not getting the ZOMG! Libraries are full of CHILD PORN!!!11!1!ONE!ELEVEN!!! either. Like, what libraries? Where? We had a few guest lecturers at university on the digital forensics module who were cops on the Nonce Squad, and they did impress upon us that a goodly percentage of child porn aficionados aren’t exactly the sharpest tools in the box, but at the library? In collusion with shadowy cabals of librarian enablers? Really?


Hoo boy. I… I just… No.



I think we scared him away… :crying_cat_face:

1 Like

Hope I didn’t make him cry.

But why? He didn’t have an option on the subject anyway, I mean he said so and everything.

No, no, no, the system just does not like new users who post links to the same domain over and over because that is very commonly spammer behavior.

Nobody “censored” you here except machine algorithms.


Wait, you mean a computer filter was the cause?


How terribly apposite.


Now that’s poetic justice!
Advocate of machine filters, machine-filtered.

I wonder if he gave up. Maybe the crowd here is a bit tough.


And it is on



lol never mind

The US Supreme Court ruled in 2003 the use of CIPA filters is not censorship. Claiming it is “censorship” is false and is used to bully people. "[/quote]


This reminds me of an old BB trolling tactic from our movable type days. There was no record of deleted or moderated posts. As soon as people figured it out, folks would claim they were “censored”, post screenshots of pages edited with browser dev tools, etc. To debunk it, a moderator would have to respond and subject themselves to the public trust. And MT was slow, so checking for spam blocked items was incredibly laborious. Aaaand so on.

Not anymore, jajajaja, cheers @codinghorror


Hi folks. I’m still here. I haven’t commented because the BB BBS system cut me off for 20 hours. So many of my comments were marked as spam. They were not spam, of course. But the system hid my comments and blocked my ability to respond. And I asked “admin” and Cory Doctorow for help and of course neither helped. I have noticed in commenting systems like this that if people don’t like what you say, they claim the comment is spam, abusive, or self promotion, even if it is reasoned argument backed up with reliable sources as I have done. If a few people do that, then the system assumes they are correct, censors your comments, and blocks your ability to respond further. That is what happened here at this BB BBS. So I haven’t even read all the comments but most are derisive. Derision is the new censorship. Cory Doctorow publishes false information based on outdated tests from a women who as ALA’s filtering expert destroyed a man’s career by lying about his being a sexual predator, I responded with evidence of this and that Internet filters actually work well according to many sources including the ALA in a forced moment of honesty, and as I result I get derided for daring to present this information to counter Cory’s misinformation, the system marks my comments as spam and cuts me off for 20 hours, and neither Cory nor Admin respond to my requests for help. Literally, the system is rigged. There’s no true free speech here. Now knowing the system is rigged, I see no reason to respond further as it will make no difference. Cory’s flat out lies will continue to go unchallenged. Congratulations, you all won. And the people harmed as a result of his spreading of the lies can thank you. Library patrons will continued to be harmed by people viewing porn and child porn in libraries that’s against the law but that ALA says and Cory repeats is “intellectual freedom” and filters don’t work anyway, and librarians will continue to be sexually harassed by porn and child porn viewing patrons, and you all will have contributed a little by deriding anyone who does not confirm to your politically correct truths. So the system delayed me for so long that it’s ridiculous to be involved further, it’s the weekend, and I’m going sailing now. Hope you all having good weekends too. Bye.

edit: nevermind

You might want to try doing that, since your concerns have been explained by several mods/admins.


Would that man be you, or a friend of yours? I’m starting to see why this is so important to you. Men’s rights, amirite?


Quite a rambling response.

Pro tip: things read better when divided to paragraphs.