Interview with the last man standing in the floppy disk business

Originally published at: Interview with the last man standing in the floppy disk business | Boing Boing


This guy is really into floppy disks.


Good news if you’re one of the ~30 people who have one of these


Floppy Disk guy needs to meet up with Incandescent Bulb guy and throw an 80’s party

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I have a couple hundred 5.25”s in a closet, plus a handful of 8” ones as well. I always planned on doing some sort of art project with them, but haven’t gotten to it.



and I still haven’t sent my 3.5" stash to JWZ yet.

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A few years back John Oliver did a segment on America’s outdated nuclear weapons systems, and went on a rant about how we’re still using big old obsolete floppy disks to control them. I have to say, this is one of the few subjects where I strongly disagree with him. It seems way less likely that such an antiquated system could be hacked than something more modern where sticking a compromised USB stick into the wrong port could load up all kinds if malware. Or even worse, if the system was actually connected to an online network.


This thing is fucking amazing.

Download (31)

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