Ireland, Norway and Spain recognize Palestinian state

Also, I think it’s worth remembering that Netanyahu supported keeping Hamas in power until recently.


Kind of like how the U.S. government has decided that anyone advocating for peace (or even merely that the U.S. not financially support the war) is by definition antisemitic…including Jews in both the U.S. and Israel?




Donald Glover Yes GIF


Netanyahu lies constantly, and while some people will believe or at least support those lies, they have no bearing on objective reality.

Fuck Netanyahu. He has no credibility left.


To give this a bit more context, Spain was not that hard to guess as one going to follow this. The government is a coalition of the Socialist party (which is socialdemocrat) and other more to the left parties. And those are, obviously, very much pro-Palestine. The president may or may not believe in it - if you ask me, the guy mainly believe in keeping his job - but thats irrelevant, he needed something to give to those other parties and, again, sincerely or not, this is one thing that will be accepted as good will to ease the tensions in the coalition.

Unfortunately as always, local politics more or less dictate stuff, with foreign problems being just another ball to contest between local teams.

Not that I’m against this, of course. I have as much doubts as Beau does about this having any short term impact in the survival of people in Gaza, and I’m also not very convinced about doing something like this that will be undone if the right gets into government because again, is just a local game for them, but hey, in principle, if it helps getting Likud out of the path of, to be soft about it, ethnic cleansing they are, well, good. If it doesnt… is not going to make it worse either.


and because nobody out stupids florida and its legislature:

state rep randy fine wants these countries to be blocked from doing business in florida, simply for the act of recognizing Palestine as a country.


I wonder if he’s read the list of countries that recognise Palestine.

“Hi, I’m from Dubai and I’d like to invest millions of dollars in Florida real estate.”

“Fuck off you terrorist scumbag!”


Irish companies employ more people in the US than US companies employ in Ireland….

Anyway the government’s stance is that trade is an EU competence so the state can’t boycott occupied territory goods . They got that advice from the Attorney General, I don’t know what they are like in other countries but here they are a political hack hired to tell the government what they want to hear.


Based on his Wikipedia profile this guy has been pushing for similar punishments on various people and entities for years. He once tried to prevent Lorde from performing in Florida after she had canceled a concert in Israel. And 5 years ago he repeatedly called one of his own Jewish constituents a “Judenrat” just for supporting an interfaith dialogue event on the Israel/Palestine situation.

Suffice it to say that he’s not a good person.


Yes. Great idea. Who needs Norwegian Oil Fund money anyway?


Gotta love a “legislator” who doesn’t understand even the most basic portions of the US constitution. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


… and thereby avoiding having to spend 10 years in prison for bribery (amongst other examples of his corruption). Sounds familiar.


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