Ireland, Norway and Spain recognize Palestinian state

Originally published at:



Israel has made it clear that there is no way they will ever accept a two state solution, and Hamas has made it clear that they will never accept Israel’s right to exist at all. Neither side is ever going to change their stance on this, so we are going to be at an impasse forever. Sorry to be negative, but it’s just the way things are.


So Hamas = Palestinians?



Hamas is not Palestine.

The Palestinians were prepared to accept a two-state deal in the (mid '90s) time of Arafat.


The governments that are recognising the Palestinian state hope to break the impasse by doing so. They hope that, if enough states recognise Palestine, Israel will be forced to negotiate with the Palestinian state that exists instead of holding out statehood as a reward (never to be given) for reaching a peace agreement.


The US position has long been that our government would only recognize a Palestinian state as part of a larger regional peace plan. But that never really made any sense to me. Whether or not the parties are at peace, and regardless of who is more at fault for the conflict, it seems like denying that a region of land with millions of people on it is a country is just ridiculous. Calling it a country is not some kind of reward to be earned, it’s just recognizing reality. The exact borders are in dispute, certainly, but making the claim that there’s no country there at all seems ridiculous.


No invite to the negotiations for you.


Not just “negative,” but your subconscious prejudicial bias is showing.

As others have already corrected your misstatement, Palestine is a nation of people, which is not the same as the terrorist group, Hamas.


Also, Hamas HAS agreed to a two-state solution, so long as they are included in the coalition government… And I suspect even before the current round of genocidal violence started, if the Israel government had seriously pursued a two state solution, it would have been trivially easy to side-line various terrorist groups from the process - instead they spent time sidelining any other group as representative of the Palestinian people. Since Netanyahu has been in power, he’s done all he could to scuttle a two-state solution, including approving Qatari approval for funding to Hamas!!! :woman_shrugging: The Israelis have held the majority of the cards for years now, and has refused to offer any pathway to a solution, because much like Hamas, the violence helps keep Bib in power.


You are correct, but members of Israel’s war cabinet have stated that they will treat ALL Palestinians as if they were members of, or support Hamas. This is not true, but does that matter, as long as Netanyahu claims it is so?

The truth should always matter.


I’ve been to plenty of rallies over this and at every one the Palestinian diaspora is calling for two state (ceasefire first, of course).

That is quite impossible, mainly due to the fact that it has never been an impasse. The Palestinian people lived in their own homes until they were forced out, then ghettoized into specific neighborhoods, then forced out to marginal territories, then walled in, then supply lines cut off by land and sea, then those lands were eroded by settlement activities and finally a full razing to begin justifying the inevitable annexation attempt. This has always been a disproportionate ethnic cleansing. We’re just nearing the endgame so people have finally started paying fucking attention.


Even if Netanyahu refuses to budge on this he is just one man and he won’t be in power forever. Hell, he might not be in power a few weeks from now. “Palestine isn’t a state because Netanyahu says it isn’t” is a ridiculous position to take.


We’ve gotten quite good at recognizing states since the decolonization started. I mean, I do remember a time where Belarus did not exist in a map, or Namibia.

So we should ignore Hamas claims but should adquiesce War Criminal (and regular crook, too) Netanyahu’s ones? :laughing:

ETA: in case people forgot about bibi’s career…


Offset The Hype GIF by Max

To be fair, though, it’s not “Hamas’” claims so much as its the Palestinians claim. :woman_shrugging:


I do agree. I was addressing more like “well Hamas represents Palestine” with “well, Netanyahu represents Israel and is basically a racist crook which entirely too much power and if you follow the news you will see that he spent all his career stirring up shit for this moment”. We’re talking about the guy who incited a mob of 10k strong to chant “death to Rabin” after all.

We do not say the last part out loud enough, and not often enough, i think.

Hamas is not Palestine, and Likud is not Israel. But is hard to see it from outside, I think.


Jimmy Fallon Agree GIF

Unless of course one pays mind to the history and not just the headlines…But of course, that’s contested, too.