Is it ethically okay for journalists to mine hacked Sony emails for stories?

It will be interesting to see whether this moves the needle of concern about the privacy of Average Jane further than Snowden et al.

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Itā€™s all part of the master plan. Part of incorporating ethics in game journalism into daily life.

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Splitting off controversial off-topic discussion is generally a good idea. Splitting it off after one final shot, so you can get the last word in public and I canā€™t respond in kind, is pretty underhanded and Iā€™m not going to cooperate with that.

And you do not get to tell me that autism makes me have stupid opinions and then say that, oh, you didnā€™t mean any offense by that. I know Iā€™m argumentative, but I do make an effort not to get personal in these debates. But you wanted to get personal, so, hey, fuck you.

Yes, I am autistic, and fuck you again for making me feel afraid to admit that when youā€™re so obviously going to judge me for it. But this is not about being unable to perceive nuances and subtexts. In fact itā€™s exactly the opposite.

If someone makes a point of referring to the president as ā€œBarack Hussein Obama,ā€ thatā€™s the truth, but itā€™s implying the lie that heā€™s Muslim (and that thereā€™s something wrong with that). If someone repeatedly points out that an unarmed black teenage victim of police violence was 6ā€™2" and 250 pounds, thatā€™s the truth, but itā€™s implying the lie that itā€™s okay to shoot unarmed people if theyā€™re black and scary. And when Xeni posts about a power plant unexpectedly but safely shutting down one of its six generators for maintenance with ā€œEuropeā€™s largest nuclear power plant shut downā€, thatā€™s (kinda sorta) true, but it implies the lie that the plant is unreliable and teetering on the edge of disaster, which is no small thing when the only alternative is horrible, polluting coal.

Autism does not make me so literal-minded that I canā€™t see those subtexts. That last abused truth might not be objectively as bad as the first two, but that doesnā€™t fucking make it okay. Cory and Xeni are supposed to be on our side. Theyā€™re supposed to have higher standards. I expect them to be more honest than a pack of racist assholes, and Iā€™m bloody disappointed when theyā€™re not.


I should have [g]one further thanā€¦

ā€¦And said that I believe it is a valid criticism. Thatā€™s what this thread is for, apologies if you feel the initial reaction to your comment was snide or manipulative in some way. It was only a harumph at the phrase. [ā€œabusing the truthā€]

I didnā€™t mean to associate anyone with autism or aspergers or even any specificity minded with my derision of your specific encapsulation ā€œabusing the truthā€. Apologies if it came across that way.
This thread is for discussion of the validity of your view, not your mind.

Edit: didnā€™t link

g, link, clarity

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