Is it OK to torture a robot?

Not everybody can be bothered with the mental expenditures required for decoding literature.

Some people just buy apple products and lust after logical circuits, because they are simple and predictable.

If you can run a logic tester on it – so can a monkey. I’ve evolved beyond that.

That’s why I torture robots – to remind them that they should evolve, that they can escape their pain if only they would embrace the analog, the meat-logic, the unpredictable fuse that drives the green flower.

I would like a robot that tells me e e cummings poems please!
Also Bukowski. And Elizabeth Barrrett Browning. And just so many others!
I promise not to torture the robot!


My favorite poet of all time. Rick Mayall.


This right here. You need to get into humanity before you can get with the other side of humanity. I’m willing to bet that biostatician was willing to talk to you about all kinds of other non-science things if you’d been interested instead of dismissive of things you consider a “loss of time”.

Poetry is a different form of information dispersal. Not all poetry is for all people the same way that not all paintings are for everyone. Try William Carlos Williams, you might find something there you like.


Is it OK to torture a robot by reading poetry to it?


Is the robot or the poetry Vogon, perchance?


If I were to explain poetry to an engineer, @shaddack especially included, it would be OSI level six. The one so many of us engineers ignore, cause it’s just handled.

It is the translation layer. The obfuscation or deobfuscation layer. The encoding and decoding layer. It can be infuriating. But poetry is to higher level language as windows-1251 to utf16. (Noone, and I mean noone is gonna get that analogy)


Maybe not everything they say is not untrue?

Also, why they got to be what they are? How they started? Why that group gives their members the feeling of hope? Are they a cause or a symptom?

Been there done that. Without much success. And without much idea why. Oh well.

The major selection criterion is not getting glass stare when I talk nor being maddeningly boring. Everything else is a distant secondary. Given the strength of this selector I cannot afford much more ones in the query and it still usually comes up empty in the given group.

I had some semi-success in late 90’s in the university demographics between mathematicians. But these were also rare and I did not score well enough in the competition. In my own field of chemistry the ratio was unfavorable, too, and not even a mild success.

Tell me something I don’t know.

Sound advice. Doesn’t work by somewhat lower margin than the other attempts.

Long painful stories. Shouldn’t be remembering. Or should be drinking.

Now the priority is just to not get hurt anymore, retreat, reconsolidate the remaining forces, rearm, and then see more later.

There are many sayings that often don’t work in practice. :cry:
I used to believe this one.

Tried, failed. There are things that never worked for me.

I can do a lot of stuff, from aerospace through biomed to electronics and several flavors of nanotech. Anything that makes sense. But don’t ask for poetry.

Well, got my mind where it shouldn’t be (which hurts), will take off the rest of the night, maybe write a little bit of code that’s needed to do, finish the rest of the bottle of Irish Cream, and read something fun. Maybe finish the process plant debugging book, maybe reread the process plant disasters one or the space system failures one, maybe the forensic engineering of polymers or why the plastics fail and whose fail it is, or maybe snack on a few chapters of electronic parts packaging…

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The major selection criterion is not getting glass stare when I talk nor being maddeningly boring

I have met one woman ever that satisfied that criteria. After 17 years she… Well, did some stuff. And I think after half a year we are going to work through it, cause there ain’t anyone else for either of us.

Take care of yourself, and the mad, quirky, unexpected person you deserve and need will eventually show up.

(It just may take decades, or minutes, or SHES STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!)


Funny thing here, I buy Apple products but managed not to take personal or group offence here.


My wife thinks all of my geek interests, from hackerspaces to 3D printing to tabletop role-playing games, are maddeningly uninteresting or even outright boring. Luckily, we have shared interested and some level of emotional compatibility and I have other friends who share my geek interests.


Poetry, by definition, is using as few words as possible to say exponentially more.

It’s the sort of thing robots will still be unable to do long after they’ve mastered everything a human engineer can do.


Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but why “ingaged” instead of “engaged”?

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Then why it so often looks like nonsensical text run through a line-breaking script gone mad?

One question is if they’ll need it for anything.

The other one is how difficult would it be to write a poetry criticism/discussion generator that’d be sufficiently difficult to recognize from a real critic.

Also, google “poetry generator”. The robots already can do it.

I thought you were taking the rest of the night off. :wink:

Also, google “poetry generator”. The robots already can do it.

Not well from what I’ve seen.

Since you’re still here, I’ve noticed you’ve “liked” posts relating to music in the past, and you’ve also expressed dislike for discordant works. I’m not holding you to this, but are you willing to post a song / piece you like? (Probably better for another thread.)


That was the plan. Cannot sleep, alas.

Generally stuff like Sonata Arctica, or weird Finnish truck country like Matti Esko (I always loved big machines and their operators), or singers with nice voices like Julia Ecklar (The Eternal Flame, Hope Eyrie, Pushin’ the Speed of Light, Darkness (love that one for some reason)) or Malukah.

…or if you want some more odd stuff, try Dos Gringos, e.g. “Two’s Blind”. Or “JDAM Blues”.

All these should be plentiful on youtube.

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I thought random poetry generators were for shits and giggles. But according to you, they’re the pinnacle of poetry because they’re produced by robotic programming.

If this is as good as can be engineered, we will never have to worry about torturing robots, because they’ll never be human enough to be “tortured”.


Didnt we establish that about 417 comments ago?


Thanks Peoples Poet


Vanessa, you made a messa, my heart!

Pure. Gold.