‘It’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please’

You’ve just outed yourself as an economically-comfortable white male.


More than half right (white male, wrong on economic). I’m not saying I won’t use the terms. I don’t tempt murderous thugs, but I also don’t think we should culturally encourage it. I think of any situation where someone has to use those terms as more comparable to calling a gang leader by their preferred title, possibly required for safety, but not something we should culturally sanction.

The one great thing about Trump is that he might finally destroy those forms of classism known as Politeness, Etiquette and Protocol once and for all!

Dude, do you understand how many non-white people get seriously injured or killed by law enforcement for having a fraction of that attitude?




Yes, I do, which is exactly why I think we need to shift cultural perceptions around police and work towards breaking the automatic deference and military styling.





I recall, somewhat vaguely, that the nytimes published an oped urging new yorks citizens to learn to recognize the rank insignia so as to show the proper deference to their oppressors. It did not go over well.

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The terrible thing is, I’m honestly not 100% sure you’re taking the piss, instead of seriously arguing that. The world’s a very confusing place right now.

The guy is a serving army officer who has been directed to testify in front of Congress about stuff to do with his official job. What do you expect him to wear, a brown paper bag?


you should absolutely call cops by Mr., Mrs., or Dr. as applies

Ah, yes, for the huge number of cops who have either PhDs or MDs…

LOL thanks for the laughs, tell your buddy Trump all is well, you worked the masses. :ok_hand:


Well, dammit what am I supposed to do NOW ?!?!? That damned chickenpoop is long gone. I wanted to draw him out into the open and GRILL him!


BB ■■■■■ end transmission

Im getting the hell out of here! Too damn sultry in here.

Pictures, please!

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Well, I can’t find it in the archives. Might have been printed elsewhere.

Your Honor, our expert witness…

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AH, here we are:

The Mayor has also suggested that citizens should be polite to police. That’s fine, except for his oddly excessive idea that the public should address an officer by rank. What mere civilian could be expected to know which rank gets the gold leaf or who wears the gold eagle? In such stressful situations, a simple ‘‘officer’’ should do.

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Chris Stewart embarrassed himself. The issue was power differentials in relationships. You don’t have to be in the military to know that a “request” from someone with significant power over you (“do us a favor though”) is not just a request. I wish Vindman had said something like that, but OTOH, his answer, “Representative, I made that judgment; I stick by that judgment,” was a strong response in the face of obvious stupidity.