James Cameron on Avatar sequels: “You will shit yourself with your mouth wide open.”

Will watching it also cause adverse psychological effects, like the first one did?
(It’s a real phenomenon. Seeing it merely on a 3d TV had that effect on me for about two days.)

“Audiences experience ‘Avatar’ blues”

I believe that expression is already a registered trademark of Taco Bell.


Oddly I was thinking about the Avatar squeals the other day.

The thought went “I haven’t heard about the Avatar squeals in a while… hopefully they were quietly dropped.”

Well, since 3D spectacles really aren’t worth much to the visually impaired (blind in one eye, 3D is just a blurry headache to me), I guess I’m just going to have to hold it.

I’m not watching a goddamn movie that will make me shit myself. Thanks for the warning, James.


I’ve heard that it’s going to be shot at 120fps…or barring some technical issues 60fps… Now in the non-professional world of video most things shot at those framerates look like something that I pulled off a Hi-8 camcorder and dubbed to VHS. If it looks “that” good in IMAX I’ll probably shit myself just as an excuse to leave.

As a side I do love high shutter speed filming, which gives that zero motion blur crisp look. Explained here:


I wasn’t tempted to watch Avatar at all, so I won’t be watching the sequels. And I love Cameron’s first 4 films.

I did, however, watch Gravity recently, and thought it was utter shite. I can’t imagine there was anything to recommend that film beyond the SFX.

I’ve seen precisely one film in 3D (Wrath of the Titans, also shite), and that purely because the 2D showing was sold out.

I refuse to pay over the odds to watch stupid gimmicky drivel (plus I naturally shy away from overwhelmingly popular stuff). If the film doesn’t have something deeper to recommend it that some technical showiness, I aten’t buying.

Rarely have time for the cinema now anyway, but saw Birdman last week. Now that’s more my kind of film.


Isn’t the technical showiness the actual point of such films?

I, for one, enjoy them. It is better when you don’t ask for more than the empty calories of eye candy. Came for them, left satisfied.


I am really the only one who enjoyed Avatar?

It is a story that has been done before” is a lame excuse for not liking it, it is called film genre.


How about we shit in James Cameron’s wide open mouth instead?

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James Macaroon on directing “Titanic”

Rhubarb rhubarb!


James Cameron should take a page out of John Romero’s book and take out a full page ad. Heard it worked out pretty well for him.

You loved Piranha 2?

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I was starting to think no one was going to mention that. Truly, the most suitable followup question to Mr. Cameron’s remark is, “Sir, would you care to comment on whether you anticipate making the audience your b*tch?”


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Any word on what the sequel will be called? Or are they just going with “Avatar: Number 2”

Well, the Na’vi had sex with a usb tail, maybe the next species will have a circular digestion system. I’m not going to find an image for that.

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Avatar 2: Electric Bluegaloo.


Ugh, these pre-production interviews are so worthless. Silly process-talk and carefully scripted plot teasers, and nothing about the craft and experience of cinema. And frankly, all I really want to know is whether I’ll be shitting myself with my mouth wi–oh, wait, okay.

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Remember that big tree they saved? It turns out it was one of seven. And they’ll need all seven alive to activate the Universe Crystal, to defend their planet against the ravaging intergalactic horror known only as Xxa’xxaxa’xixa’xicron. (By the way, they’re in talks with Benedict Cumberbatch for the role of Xxa’xxaxa’xixa’xicron. Squee!)


Has anyone actually watched Avatar since it came out in theaters? More people are re-watching Terminator 2.

This is like the biggest blockbuster & forgotten movie (because no one cares) in history.

/me yawns!