James Hoffmann reviews a $20k espresso machine

If you’re ever in a good coffee shop and they aren’t swamped it’s always a great experience if you ask them to make you samples of different coffee beans, from light to dark. Medium is where it’s at for me too but there are some very delicate and fruity light roasts that are excellent. Probably the kind of coffee i might be inclined to drink later in the day, but for morning coffees i need a punch of caffeine and flavor.


Stone Age, here.


I do love coffee made with cloth filters, my grandma used them all the time :smiling_face:


I had a stone make its way into my burr grinder the other day. Do not recommend.


I one bought a hand grinder which seemed promising for about a day, untI managed to drop a bolt or a screw in it, and the crank broke off.

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