Japanese AI Program Wrote a Short Novel, Almost Won a Literary Prize

Continuing the discussion from Microsoft AI chatbot promptly becomes Nazi:

That novel was submitted for the third Nikkei Hoshi Shinichi Literary
Award by a team headed by Hitoshi Matsubara, a professor at Future
University Hakodate. Humans decided the parameters for the novel, such
as the plot and gender of characters. The AI program then “wrote” the
novel by selecting words or sentences prepared by humans and in
accordance with the parameters, according to the team.

I reserve my judgement for now. Media reports of generative literature are usually, if not always, mostly fiction themselves.


from slashdot:

Follow the chain of cited news articles, and eventually you discover that it passed the first round of screening – out of four.

AI-written “scientific” papers have been published too, but that doesn’t mean that they are any good. Every year there is some story about how some new AI has autonomously done some amazing feat of natural-language something, and the stories laud that is has, or is just about to pass the Turing test, and yet under closer scrutiny it is inevitably something little advanced from ELIZA [wikipedia.org] (linked for the younger crowd). Just look at Microsoft’s latest bungle.

Hitoshi Matsubara, the principal behind the AI group:


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