Japanese exchange student shares thoughts on high school's mushroom cloud mascot

It appears I have to explain my first reply to you. Between leaving work and getting home, I believe your reply to me was removed from this thread, but I do have something I need to say to you.

I apologize if I was vaguebooking in my first reply. I will try to do better here.

For most of my life - those years since I learned to read and comprehend and begin to understand the world around me - I have lived with the knowledge that my dad had something to do with the deployment of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

However small his role, the knowledge that my dad was a SeaBee who helped build the runway on Tinnian lives on in me and is, at times, a heavy burden. Had the bombs not been dropped, I might not be walking around in 2020 to argue with you - my dad was slated for the invasion of Japan.

Those who were there 75 years ago are few and far between and those of us at one remove are getting into our retirement years, yes, but I believe we all need to discuss the topic of nuclear annihilation as though Hiroshima and Nagasaki were yesterday and we need to view it through the lenses of all we’ve learned since.

So, no, it’s not 75 years ago in the minds of us who were either there or grew up with August 6 and August 9, 1945; we’ve been living with it all this time.