Japan's new cybersecurity minister admits never having used a computer

In his defense. Go back to the facebook hearing @ capital hill and tell me any of those lawmakers were qualified to talk about nonetheless, make laws about technology.


Who’s saying they’re a good example?

It’s outrageous our lawmakers have on average no idea how the modern world works. A few are savvy. Most are as old as my grandparents and have no understanding of computers beyond being one of those things kids make money with.

He also didn’t know what a USB drive is. You don’t need to be a great technician to know what a USB drive is.

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Like those big engine things on Star Trek, right.

Oddly enough, I’ve had a beer with him. No joke. I was with a group of friends in Chiba (where Sakurada was elected), one of whom is quite connected, and he had told me to wear a tie because some big people would be coming. And within a few minutes of arriving we are all having dinner and drinks, and there is the mayor sitting near me and then Mr Sakurada comes in a bit late and sits right next to me. Turns out he’s a really nice guy. So I have to say I feel sorry for all the crap he’s been getting in the news lately.

He’s a really nice guy?

Oh excuse us.

Hey everybody! He’s a real nice guy. That means he’s qualified for a job regulating industries he has no knowledge of, right?

I’m a pretty nice guy too. Let’s get the SLS warmed up because I’d like to be the commander of the ISS.

Cool story bro, doesn’t change the fact that this guy has no qualifications for the job.

I agree. He has no business at all being in that post. It’s too bad they couldn’t have given him a more relevant spot.

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