Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/11/jaywalker-glares-at-driver-wa.html
Actual stinkeye at 3:47:
That’s priceless (but the driver was going too fast off that turn)
Might I suggest adding a timestamp to that embed URL?
That guy was jaywalking but he was at least halfway across the road when the driver “stopped short.” The driver had plenty of time to see and yield in a controlled fashion - assuming they were paying attention. If I was the walker I’d keep my eye on someone driving like that too.
Right? Slow down, buddy. Not only that, the driver totally cut the corner on that left turn—meaning s/he drove in the opposing lane for a not-inconsiderable amount of time.
that entire video is horrifying. makes me want to never get in a car again.
Cross at the green, not in between.
Just a reminder that “jaywalking” is a meme invented by car manufacturers to allow them to appropriate public space for their products.
In any sane jurisdiction, pedestrians have right of way.
I honestly don’t care as long as peds make haste and are careful not to impede traffic. Don’t jaywalk; jayhustle.
Meh, not all of us who use the road drive cars.
Good name for a band.
Mark, you framed this as if the jaywalker was in the wrong and got what he deserved by walking into the pole. What the heck?!
- The guy was jaywalking across the street when there was no car in the street (the driver hadn’t turned on to the street yet). I do this all the time, as I suspect you do.
- The jaywalker wasn’t staring at the driver because the driver had the temerity to drive when the jaywalker was crossing the street, it’s because the driver sped up and stopped just short of the guy in the street.
- The driver speeds off after the jaywalker gets across the street and leans on the horn.
- The severity of the offense of inconveniencing the driver who was in a hurry is nothing compared to the driver threatening the jaywalkers life.
So ya, if I’d been jaywalking and a car came speeding around the corner, in the interest of self preservation I would have stopped and let the car go by. But pedestrian right of way, come on. There’s a fundamental power asymmetry between those of us who are pedestrians or bicyclists and those of us in cars.
And finally the moral judgement about jaywalking is just bogus.
Yeah, that pedestrian was already in the process of crossing (more or less?) legally when the driver flew around the corner, accellerated up to him, and indignantly stopped short while leaning incessantly on the horn. Then he floors it, horn still blaring, racing to make up his precious lost seconds in a 40km/h zone. The “instant karma” caption really irks me; karma would be that dangerous asshole driver getting a license suspension.
If you drive a car, you’re part of the problem.
Is the driver supposed to yield to pedestrians outside of crosswalks? I’d have assumed the other way around. Otherwise, what’s to stop pedestrians lolling around streets like sidewalks?
Maybe he is just a huge fan of Rowan Atkinson.
When you’re thirsty for a Shiner Bonk.
If you have not shot and looked at a lot of dash cam video, don’t try to judge the speed of the vehicle. From my experience, vehicles seem to be going about twice the actual speed. It’s pretty deceptive.