Jetsetting Terrorist: Blog from a guy who is branded "SSSS" by the TSA

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Enjoy your lifetime SSSSStatusā€“youā€™ve earned it!

What he earned was what he got at the time, as determined by the legal apparatus. Everything to do with the TSA ā€” the checkpoint bullshit, the shadowing in and out of airports, the morally dubious if possibly not strictly-speaking illegal hacking of his girlfriendā€™s communications with him ā€” since then has been additional, arbitrarily imposed by extra-legal authority for the sin of popping up on their radar, once, a long time ago, for a ā€˜politicalā€™ misdemeanour. And there is no legal way off that list. If that doesnā€™t chill you to the bone, then youā€™re not paying attention.


If your options are be unemployed, have a minimum wage job or have a job with higher than minimum wage while you go to college or try to support a family; Iā€™m sure a lot of people would go with the higher than min wage job. Itā€™s a good way to stay afloat until something better comes along or an opening occurs in your desired field of employment. Do you ever stop and wonder if the tsa agents think the same thing as everybody, but say screw it it pays the bills and all I have to do is enforce the rules that higher ups make whether I agree with them or not? Or maybe itā€™s either enforce the rules or get fired for not doing the job which do you think theyā€™ll do? We might as well get mad at the police for enforcing government restrictions on travel by car such as obeying the speed limit and what not. If youā€™re going to be place all blame on the employees for what the agency does; you might as well go to chik-fil-a and yell at the employees about how awful their beliefs on homosexuals are even thought its the companyā€™s beliefs and not their own.

Youā€™re trolling, right? People are personally responsible for their actions, regardless of who tells them what to do. There is no moral ambiguity except in extreme cases of diminished or manipulated capacities.

If this were not true, what passes for civilisation today would collapse. You canā€™t refuse to hold people responsible for their crimes just because they had superiors - that would mean every hit man could practice his trade openly without consequence, and that every multinational corporation could have their employees take orders from foreign nationals and thus avoid all restrictions of law. Neither privation nor greed are valid excuses for immorality. If you choose to harm innocents in order to feed your family, that might be a reasonable decision for you, but nonetheless itā€™s not something that society can afford to condone or excuse.

And people who work for chik-fil-a should be subject to the approbation of people who disagree with chik-fil-aā€™s politics, obviously - protests are supposed to make their targets encounter difficulty retaining moral staff.

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Maybe they do.There are other considerations people make about jobs as well, no matter their circumstances. for instance, I wouldnā€™t work for the TSA. And Iā€™ve had to live in shop doorways in the past. Consider this: the set ā€˜people with few options but to do these shitty jobsā€™ contains lots of people. The subset ā€˜pettifogging authoritarians with such as the TSA likes to employā€™ is inside this group. Iā€™m sure they get paid a fair whack more than me on average; my job isnā€™t well-rewarded, letā€™s say, but I still wouldnā€™t don a uniform and enforce demented rules to appease the fears of idiots for a pay-rise.
Concern troll followed by a reductio ad absurdiam with a Nurmberg Godwin. Meh. 5/10.


No Iā€™m not trolling Iā€™m trying to let everyone see that they are people too. I fly a lot and have never had a bad experience with them. Maybe Iā€™m lucky or maybe itā€™s because I actually treat them like people and am courteous and give them the modicum of respect that every person deserves. I donā€™t fawn over them, but at least I donā€™t go in thinking these people suck and deserve nothing but my contempt. Hell Iā€™ve gone to a restaurant been served my drink and then ignored for an hour and I still didnā€™t get angry or yell at the server, because I think everyone deserves respect.

because I think everyone deserves respect.

Except for the guy who is being stopped for special attention every time he goes through the TSA checkpoints, who is being reported to the FBI every time he goes through a TSA checkpoint, who is followed in and out of airports, whose electronic communications get intercepted by the FBI ā€” that guy you donā€™t respect. Why is that?


What I am saying , is that for no reason I can figure out, I have to go through this whole humiliating ordeal every time I fly, which is quite often. At least the author of the post has some idea why this is happening to him. I imagine that most of us on these secret lists have done nothing to deserve it, that we know of. And I could not do my job if there was anything in my background to warrant such suspicion. Admittedly, the tone of my post was a little over the top. My frustration should not be targeted at the author of the article, but instead at the secretive,soviet-style bureaucracy that is the TSA.


Because heā€™s not owning up to what he did. Heā€™s being very vague about it and keeps thinking that what he did is right and therefore doesnā€™t deserve what he is getting. He reaped what he sowed and still sees it like heā€™s been wronged. Apparently it was bad enough to get put on whatever watch list they use. One of my friends got high, broke into a house not to steal anything but just to crash on the couch and got arrested. While he was incarcerated he got charged with five other break ins that occurred while he was in jail. This happened when he was in high school, a youthful indiscretion, if you will and because of it he canā€™t get any good jobs that require a background check. He doesnā€™t feel like he was wronged and owns up to the fact that, because of his poor decisions it just snowballed from there and now heā€™s suffering the consequences. I respect my friend for owning up to it but this guy on the other hand admits what he did, but is so busy sticking it to the man that he isnā€™t owning up to it. I donā€™t respect him because of it, of course this doesnā€™t mean if I met him Iā€™d treat him with contempt. Basically I see him as a self important ass hat even more so then the ones working for tsa.

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