Joe Biden can't be bothered to remember MTG's name

I like Empty Gee


That was a completely wild read (I read through the transcript instead of listening), and not what I was expecting.
At least there’s some pretty clear similarities between trading MTG cards and bitcoin (except that bitcoins seem less inherently useful - you can’t even play a game with them).

But it’s funny that this kid thought that ‘crypto’ is just so damn amazing that his random group of chicken enthusiasts would be okay with the change of topic. What a weird future this is.


They gloss over it in the piece, but I think what really happened is that the “guys at the gym” who talked him into this told him how to run a pump-and-dump but he didn’t quite want to admit that’s what it was on the podcast. For that scam, all you need is a large set of eyeballs. The reason those eyeballs are gathered (chickens in this case) is irrelevant. The reason is that you only need a decent number of people to get suckered into buying your coin, and a small percentage of any group will do that.

A higher tech version of this scam involves stealing someone’s YouTube channel via phishing, then taking down all their videos and putting up videos talking up a coin. Again, the subject matter of the channel doesn’t matter- they just want your audience because 1% (or whatever) of any group will fall for their scam. This has happened to two YouTuber friends of mine. They both got their channels and content back after a couple of weeks of fighting with YT support about it, but what a mess.

It’s all just terrible. :unamused:

But we’re way off topic here, sorry.


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