Jonny Quest Lives!

I found a Chrus Cool book a few years go, somehow as a kid I missed that.

But “everyone knows” that Jonny Quest is just a variant of the Rick Brant science adventure books.


It was on in near constant syndication straight through the Early 90’s. I grew up in the 80’s and this is still one of the favorite pieces of media from my childhood.

I agree. But I honestly think that’s part of the fun. The weird mid century quirks and insanity of the whole thing just sort of underline the wacky, good natured adventures for me now. I haven’t re-watched it in a long while now. But it was a staple in college.

Meaning the new episodes produced in the 80’s? Or “The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest” show from the 90’s? If the former. Yeah even as a 6 year old they weren’t nearly as compelling or well executed as the original episodes. The new 90’s series? I got nothing. It was just sort of there. Though I have some recurring night mares where I’m trapped in that particular show.

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One recent post might have been me.


Oh, I’m just giving @OtherMichael a hard time. It probably wasn’t him :innocent:, but I just had to bug him.


Yeah, and while I’m glad to watch it again, the headline gave me a moment of hope that new episodes were in the works, only to have my dreams bashed against the cold unforgiving rocks of disappointment.


I like to think that this is canon to the story and the Venture brothers picked it up from here;

And for those of you who have fond memories of Jonny Quest and bizarrely haven’t watched all of the Venture Bros yet here are his key bits, although the Venture family itself is quite keenly based on the Quest family unit so they should be your modern day fix;


#So mean!

This is because I thought you were a guy isn’t it.


That was really well done! Loved it!

I know it would have upset the stop-motion aesthetic a bit, but opting to use CG just for the giant-eye spider-bot would have allowed it to have the original pencil-thin legs that made it soooo cool in the cartoon. As one who grew-up watching Jonny Quest, I was watching this closely, and digging how well this captured the original opening titles, and was eagerly waiting for the spider, but was let-down a bit to see it had huge, heavy mechanical legs.

Nevertheless…Well done!


Have you seen Joe 90, from the people who brought you Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet? Scientist father and CIA Agent “uncle”, subject pre-teen to adult personality downloads and expose him to major death danger at regular intervals. It is crying out for a series about grown up Joe McClaine suffering from a combination of PTSD and multiple-personalities.

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I guess it is an improvement on Ebony in the Spirit comics.

Christopher Cool is great name.

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That was freakin’ awesome. Thanks for that link.

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No love for Toby Danger?


And no one wore PF Flyers?
Wow, I feel real old.

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Although this Johnny Quest intro remake is awesome, in the category of “things that aren’t always better as remakes,” I give you :

You’d think CG would be able to do them justice, but it’s missing a certain charm of the original series.

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Awesome, though a couple of things have always bothered me about Jonny Quest.

Jonny looked more like Race then Dr Quest

Why would Hadji, an obvious Sikh take the name of a Muslim who made the trip to Mecca?


Here’s the deal:

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Let’s not forget JQ’s roots – the show’s creator, Doug Wildey, cut his animation and storytelling teeth at Cambria Productions, home of the gawdawfully fantastic Syncro-Vox method. Here’s an example of their work:

(Wildey’s Cambria show was Space Angel; this Clutch Cargo snippet was selected to honor BB; just look at those bananas at 1:40 !)


I loved that show.

Years later Hadji was racially profiled by Stewie Griffin while trying to board a plane.



Oh ya, Mike needs all the ribbing that you can give him.

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