Originally published at: Judge blocks merger of publishing giants Penguin Random House and Simon & Shuster | Boing Boing
The proposed merger would have reduced competition, decreased author compensation, diminished the breadth, depth, and diversity of our stories and ideas, and ultimately impoverished our democracy.
I’m glad to see that, after 40 years, some judges are finally moving away from the Bork and Chicago School narrow “consumer welfare” interpretation of anti-trust actions.
That’s probably a good thing…
If anything, I’d prefer calling it “Simon & Shyster”.
But then, I’m strange.
Simon & Shyster, the famous publisher who are represented by the law firm of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe.
They can still do that? Great! Happy, but side-eyeing to catch the kick up to SCOTUS…
I work in animation in Los Angeles and was a victim of the discovery merger layoffs. These kind of mergers are horrible. The way they have senselessly left hundreds of professionals jobless in a place where jobs are already completive for no reason other than to make the ceo and shareholders happy for all the money they saved with no regard for what the consumers of the product have lost…
I could easily see that happening on a large level in the publishing world from this…
They can if it’s foreigners. Can’t let ze Germans have all ze books.
Probably the same court that will not block the purchase of Albertson’s by Kroger, creating single company towns for groceries.
I wonder if a high profile celebrity is the most significant reason it went this way.
It feels like that’s how the world works these days
Could that judge take a look at the Kroger/Albertson’s deal please.
The cult author
Dude is literally one of the best-selling authors in America…
“Simon & Penguin” would be a good title for a children’s book series though.
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