Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Rachel Dolezal, Isaac Hayes, and Al Jolson

He’s completely right–I have not heard of that.


Because he’s a brilliant troll and he made it up himself.


So I’d guessed (since I guess that wasn’t evident).

But, brilliant? I guess that’s in the minds of some beholders.

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I realize that is trolling, but this whole thing does sort of call to attention how non black and white race is. I mean she passed herself off as black for the longest time because there are black people who are that light skinned and identify as black. So why would they doubt her?

I have a friend who was adopted it. He is white, pretty much, but has a tint to his skin. He thought he was perhaps part Hispanic or Italian.

Turns out his birth father was half black, so he is a quarter black. Or is he still all white?

Another friend of mine had black father, and very dark skinned, and a full Korean mother. She is one of the oddest (and beautiful) hybrids out there. She has long black hair like her mom, but it is curly. Her eyes are mostly her father’s with just a hint of almond shape. Her skin again has a slight hue to it, but pretty much anyone who met her would identify her as white. I had NO idea about her background until I went to her wedding and met her mother and father (note the reception was awesome with half of it being traditional Korean food, and the other Southern comfort food).

So anyway, she is white, but she totally isn’t - like no European genes at all.

Let’s just keep blending until we get to a grey race.


I see what you did there.


What is freaking me out about this is how reality is starting to resemble shitty 80s comedies.


As far as I know, I have never been legally assigned a race. My ancestry is Welsh, scotts-irish, and native American (none of which is a race) and I check black on every government form (drivers license etc). If there is a test for blackness, I’ll take it. If there is some legally mandated criterion (I pass both the single drop and paper bag tests) then what is it? My 3/5 of an opinion is nonplussed by the concepts that allow one person to assign another a legally binding racial category. I have a friend whose Australian abo roots are visible in his phenotype, constantly catches shit about being African American. Do you think people in Denmark, Poland, and Ireland think they are of the same race? Hutu and tutsi? What of the 25+ races recognized by the former Soviet Union? I guess the kurds will have to go on checking ‘other’. Are Hispanic (not a race) people white? Are Brazilians and other lusophones Hispanic?

How do you know what race you are?
Who gets to decide? N

Thanks to PB Randolph, Drew Ali, and all my Melungeon brothers (who know a thing or two about racial categories)

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Welp, good for you sport. How is any of what we’re talking about “legally binding”?

Do you mean this guy?

And this guy?

maybe I’m just really unsure on what you mean?

So, wait. You’re calling yourself “Wallace Fard”, founder of NOI, an organization that called white people devils essentially, and you’re defending this woman? I’m so fucking confused.


Any time you have to fill out a form in which lying is a criminal offense, that is a binding document. If you can be tried for fraud, or perjury for misrepresentation then there are legal implications. Any school/license/loan application/ government form would be a start.

You’re not being any clearer on this with your comments. I’m not sure what it has to do with the article we’re discussing and the larger issue around this woman who was white and now identifies as black. Are you saying that she’s indeed lying about her race and therefore should be prosecuted? Is so, say so.

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I picked fard (a man whose blackness is in dispute) because of the obvious paralells. Does it matter if fard was white, or Ali, does it constitute a test of fitness to Participate in or lead a largely black group?

No, it was a response to the troll who doubted there were legally binding implications to ones declarationof race. It was an attemptw to show how that even In a ‘blind’ system, what race you say
you are still has legal and possibly criminal implications. I think this abhorrent!

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Wallace Fard also disappeared, and left the organization he founded in the hands of Elijah Muhammad, who eventually made his mark by bringing Malcolm X to prominence. In NOI theology, Fard ascended, but what actually happened to the dude, no one knows. But in the historical context, Fard was considered black or identified as such. Blackness was determined by the (ultimately spurious) one drop rule and carried with it numerous problems in American society, to put it mildly.

But no, I don’t think it constitutes a test of fitness. In a perfect world, this wouldn’t matter in the slightest, because race as an ideological construct wouldn’t even exist, much less be a fraught ideological battle ground. But the truth is, it absolutely is. If we’re going to move forward, we need to understand the context, and figure out ways to move past it while acknowledging the past - which seems a major problem for many white people. I think if the people she worked with this past decade accept her as part of the community and don’t care that she lied about her race and can move on, then that should shut it all down. I’m more than happy to accept the judgement of the local black community in spokane, because it’s not my community, it’s their community.

Do I understand your position to be something like ‘in a perfect world, it would not be a test of fitness, but in this world it is?’

Who knew? The savvy readers of Time. http://time.com/author/kareem-abdul-jabbar/

Seriously though, Kareem has been speaking out, and making a good deal of sense, for many, many years.

I mean in a perfect world, we would have never had race-based slavery that created a social underclass that led to the situation regarding race we have today. In a perfect world, it would be as Ras Tafari said, with skin color meaning about as much as eye color. This is not the world we live in, as we’re so brutally reminded today with the Charleston shooting.

I think Dolezal could have done positive work for the black community without lying to them. The NAACP has never been an organization that kept out whites. Other black organizations have been. It’s two different approaches to the legacy of racism in America. Both have legitimate functions.

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You realize race is a social construction, right?