Keep coronavirus info classified, Trump White House told federal health agency

So, TWH wants to classify (read: control) the info. In the meantime, FOX stooges are saying that China’s initial secrecy surrounding their covid outbreak had exacerbated the problem. Gee. I wonder what FOX has to say about the TWH’s latest brilliant decision.


I’ll just leave this here.


If the new Surgeon General has any integrity (which I sort of doubt, since he accepted Trump’s nomination), he’ll insist on getting the info out and – if need be – resign if the WH continues to keep a lid on info.


I know a hospital admin here in So. Cal. that was able to get testing of 2 patients through the CDC (they’re confirmed positive). It’s been a while, and so far no official information release that that particular hospital/city had cases. Definite information suppression/censoring.


I can just imagine that moment when somebody finally got through to president bumblefuck that “it’s not just like the flu”, and he goes from “no big deal” to “classify all of this” before he can even touch his own face.

On the other hand, we knew we weren’t going to get any meaningful help from the white house before, and we know that much still. So the numbers being classified changes nothing on the ground.


this is slightly OT, but I have to ask; found nothing so far on this topic, but I could bet that people with surgicaly removed tonsils have a greater risk to develope more serious symptoms than people who still have them.

The tonsils are immunocompetent organs which serve as the immune system’s first line of defense against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens, and as such frequently engorge with blood to assist in immune responses to common illnesses such as the common cold.

there was a study in 2018, which suggested pretty strongly, that children with removed tonsils before their 10th birthday had a nearly 3 times increased chance to catch something serious:


Block release of infectious disease info.
Because it worked so well when the Chinese government did it.


The fucker lives in the air too:


I feel I’ve got stability in my thoughts on UK and US govs’ responses (very similar) to this, and also Australia, which also has had a right swing.

  • Libertarianism
  • Buchanan economics
  • “Natural Order”

Combine them and it explains a lot. Libertarianism is strict about economic efficiency - cull the frail and elderly. Natural Order justifies everything, and is a deep belief in fundamentalist christianity - which has helped propel Trump, and Johnson in the UK.

This happens to be a very useful plague, if you’re on the wrong side of morality.*

[Edit: I’m on the correct side of morality - just so we’re clear :)]


Does this suggest that the addatonsiltomy will become a popular elective surgery among the aged?

…cause military secrets need to be kept secret.

Seriously, nothing suggests this has military origins stronger than making this info classified.

Funny, i dont remember seeing you in my office… (looks around suspiciously)


idiot just banned all people and product from… europe? europe? why?

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Because he always would rather focus on the mote in someone else’s eye and ignore the beam in his own.


The first word answers your question… :roll_eyes:


Note that England is not a part of the ban, just the EU countries.

Bash and isolate the EU to aid in Putin’s plan to dismantle European unity and then to keep a channel open to pave the way to dismantle Great Britain’s heal care system and replace it with private insurance.

It’s this administration’s Two Birds, One Stone foreign policy.


On TV the other night the dude seemed luck a Trump stooge of the highest order. Would not answer basic questions. Does not bode well.


Trump only wants loyalists and stooges in his sphere.


Well, considering coronavirus seems to be in the White House/CPAC sphere, we’ll see soon enough how well that goes for him.