Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/01/keith-richards-sings-lou-reed.html
Considering the topic of the song, probably no better person to cover it.
Was kinda hoping it would be like the slow version from the live V.U. album.
Except that I’m sure his man came to him backstage. VIP service!
[… Steps on the soapbox, start of the rant… ]
I’m very sorry to disagree with the praise, but to me the lightness in the interpretation transforms radically the subject of this song. From drug addled teeth grinding junkie musing to lighthearted rock standard sung by someone no longer (and thankfully so) experiencing the darkness of waiting for his man.
I’m not saying that it should only be sung by addicts slipping into withdrawal symptoms, but some gritty-ness is needed… [End of my rant, I step down from the soap box]
And I love Keith Richards, and support all people unfortunately still waiting for their men.
Support is available, seek help.
One doesn’t let Keith Richards wait.
It’s bad enough that we’re about to bequeath a ruined planet to him.
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