Kid who found a knife in a used backpack suspended for turning it in at school

We had a sf club in high school. We all decided to dress up for the yearbook picture. I wore a white lab coat and old glasses with black frames. I made a fake “device” that looked pretty realistic (but old-fashioned). I shudder to think of it now.


Of course this begs the question of why bring a knife to school at all if it has to remain stored away.

I appreciated the boy scouts as a teenager, where we got to learn all sorts of safety and maintenance laws about knives and so on. I hope they still do that.


Maybe if your bag is where you normally keep it, and putting it somewhere else means you have to make a special effort to remember where you last put it.

That, and it comes in handy most of the time, even if you can’t use it in school. Same reason why I usually take my phone with me, even if I’m occasionally somewhere I can’t use my phone.


Kyle is a thug. It’s a good thing that brave administrators are doing their civic duty of keeping dangerous seventh-graders like Kyle away from the other inmates…I mean, students.

Your tax dollars at work, Michigan!


Good point! I have a terrible habit of putting a tool down absently, then forgetting where I put it.


This is a perfect example of robotic thinking: “If kid has knife then punishment.” Why is the bible belt, Midwest, south, etc. always, ALWAYS the place for this shit??? Why do people continue to live there?? If you are even a tiny bit aware and live in these areas, GET THE FUCK OUT as soon as you can. The dark ages are over. Fuck their knee-jerk, robot mind set, dark ages thinking.


Oh, can I repeat what I often like to say?

  • Dualism is a cancer to the mind. -

Write that in your diaries tonight people.

Yes, yes, fine; maths and other natural sciences may be excused from this at times.


People are missing something much more important than a child finding a knife.

An adult employee employed as a counselor at the Coldwater Community Schools district in Coldwater, MI defied the zero-tolerance policy and had a knife at school. This is a person who is entrusted with the care of children.

This person needs to be fired and blacklisted from being near children, if not locked up!!!

For the safety of Michigan’s children!!!

Yet the article focuses on some kid and doesn’t even name the counselor carrying a deadly weapon and setting a horrid example for the children, if not outright traumatizing them for life!.

Please, for the children’s sake, get this so called counselor put away!


Are you implying that the enforcers of the rules could also be held accountable under the same rules? Cearly that’s crazy talk.
That’s like calling a police officer a thief who totally legally seized some criminal assets into his pants’ back pocket to later spend (totally legitimately) on crack cocaine. You see how crazy this sounds?


If all the cool/smart/rational/etc people leave, then it will never get better.


That’s a lot of hope for a State Supreme Court packed with activist Republicans. Michigan, in no way = Minnesota. Minnesota is a socialist utopia in comparison. I generally refer to Michigan as a slice of the deep south stuck onto the northern tier containing a couple northern urban areas.

Full disclosure: I grew up in the Twin Cities, and live in the Detroit Metro now.


You don’t bring it to school per se, you always have it in your pocket. Kids don’t change clothes after work :wink:


Catch-22 much?

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