Killer cop off to jail for shooting unarmed black man in back

It’s a drop in the nearly empty bucket of justice for victims of police murders. May it merely be the first drop of a coming downpour.


But there was one hung jury, right? Shot fleeing suspect in the back and planted gun. Hung jury.


Well, assuming it was a jury of the cop’s peers (you know, other cops) like the constitution says, no wonder cops never go to prison. Their peers are murderers who don’t see killing fleeing unarmed people as wrong anyway.

Can we please not have prison rape “jokes” that deniably signal approval?


That’s one of those circus unicorns. A horse with a fake horn.


Oh my stars, it actually happened. Cue the grumpycat meme, pls!

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Wellllll… “it took two years and one mistrial to bring him to justice,” but I suppose, in the US, a cop eventually being held accountable still manages to qualify as a goddamn Christmas Miracle.


[grumpy cat]

It’s a great start, and it’s possible it will have more of a deterrent effect than you are suggesting. These are people who tend to grossly overestimate risk to themselves and grossly exaggerate possible harms to themselves. That’s part of how they got in the business of killing people who were running away to begin with.

They do these things because they believe there is no risk in doing so. It’s possible that knowing there is some risk (even if it’s less risk than jay walking) will make some think twice.


That and they think they’ll have great sex after murdering brown people…

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