Kurt Vonnegut's 8 rules for writing with style

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No rules about sunblock?

  1. you
  2. do
  3. not
  4. need
  5. 8
  6. stinkin
  7. writing
  8. rules.

this list point confused me more than it should

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The One Rule from a former prof:

Keep it like a miniskirt. Long enough to cover the subject, short enough to keep it interesting.

(Sorry for the casual sexism.)

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  1. 8
    section: iv.
    subsection: b02b2838a8e8f
    subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsection: L
    part: TKSJEYRJJHDFE.746
    clause: Sandy
    subclause: 3276523876523487652368587234
    that’s an eight you silly person
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That may be the least ergonomic workspace I have seen in a very long time.

I recall seeing these rules posted on one of the walls of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop (where Vonnegut occasionally taught) last time I was there.

I’ve learned that explicit rules are the best rules to break—that way you at least sort of know what you’re doing.

Ah! I had it misfiled under “Sanity”.

All together now…

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