LA legalizes lowrider cruising again

Well, that POS has been banished to the curb in part because the front suspension needs work. Not sure it’s future teenage driver will appreciate added hydraulics. :thinking:

@anon77190095: It’s got space for my hockey gear without lowering any seats. Plenty of room for a couple kickers. Also, my stupid Prius came with the 1000 W JVC audio system, including subwoofer, it doesn’t need much help being loud.

@euansmith: Make that beast dark blue, and it’s my grandpa’s old Olds. Absolute land yacht, complete with 5-body trunk!


Yeah, but you’ll need a place for your hydraulics, plus some extra batteries and that’s why you’ll need a

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@IronEdithKidd’s volume measurement is worryingly specific :smile::smile::smile:

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SF Bay Area, so often enough (she’s stuck in the garage for now until I run down a part – Olds parts just aren’t quite as easy to run down as stuff for Mustangs and whatnot)!

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When I bought this car in ~2000, I also looked at a ‘62 Lincoln Continental convertible which was within my budget – but a Continental is 19’ 1" long and my garage at the time was 19’ 3" long. Decided that clearance was too tight. What I should have done is buy the car and then buy a different house or extend my garage. Ah well.

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my neighbor had a cool cutlass hardtop back in the day… gold with the black vinyl roof. that nose with the quad headlights got me then, and still works today. may it run forever – hope you get that part.


That’s how we measure the boot size of those old behemoths - how many bodies fit comfortably within!

I’m also in the SF Bay Area and had a Continental. I had to sell it because I moved to a place with parking it wouldn’t fit into anymore. And same - I should have kept the car and moved to a different place.

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