Originally published at: LA Philharmonic's performance of Tchaikovsky delivers an unexpected climax | Boing Boing
I predict a huge increase in ticket sales for future performances of this piece.
“full body orgasm…”: some of us are clearly deficient in our education. (“What I wanna know is if she had just come from a chess championship”)
One wonders if she was influenced solely by the moment, or if she secreted any assistive devices.
Yeah, that’s what I was wondering. If the latter… well, it’s more than a bit rude to include the entire audience in their kink.
I’m guessing mushrooms? Maybe ecstasy?
since i expected another 1812 event, this was unexpected.
Hmmm…gonna bookmark that and see how long it is before this is added…
Given the biographical material on Tchaikovsky, it’s no doubt the first time he gave a woman an orgasm.
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