Laurie Penny at the DNC: "Dissent will not be tolerated. Protest will not be permitted."


Why should I emphasize HRC’s positives when so many ostensibly left-wing cheerleaders are already doing that?

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I guess that’s a “thing” now too…


I liked the Bernie has my Heart, Hillary has my Vote! posters at the convention.
These things are what democracy is about, it should never be all or nothing with your position, that literally causes the gridlock that the Sanders supporters are railing against. If you are not willing to compromise, you will not get anything done whatsoever. Sometimes you have to win small battles to eventually get everything you wanted. You just need to continue fighting an progressing forward, that’s really what is meant by being progressive. Bernie’s plans were great, and something you would want to get behind, they just would have been killed flat in Congress, maybe even with a Democratic Congress, not because of some corruptions, just because it isn’t practical or possible to implement. But, a less aggressive, but still progressive plan would be the step forward that it needs to get there.
Giving concessions or compromising does not mean loosing, it’s just a smaller win, but a win nonetheless. Being stubborn and not working together stops it in its tracks, and that is a definite loose.



Who is going to do this? Clinton? Congress?

None of them care about actually doing anything progressive. We’ve been locked in a death spiral solidly since 2008 and, really, since Reagan.


As I said above, I’m naive enough to think that people occasionally mean what they say. It’s a silly habit, I know.

By no means do I think any politician is 100% honest. Their job is literally to get elected and to say things that sound good to make that happen. But if even only 1% of what the Democrats are saying is true, that’s still a far better option than anything Trump’s proposing.


We’re not talking about people. We’re talking about professional politicians annointed by a political machine that can’t even follow its own rules.

But are they going to address the causes that gave rise to Trump? Will they even acknowledge them?

How many years can people in much of America be out of work, lose their homes, lose their savings, etc. before they just say “fuck it, vote for anyone that even says they’ll actually do something about it!” That’s Trump to them.


These aren’t contradicting terms. Though I’ve personally been consistent on “neoliberal.” “Centrist” is too motile for my taste, but it is accurate right now in the context of estabishment policies. Asterisks abound with some terms, but I feel neoliberal is fairly consistent and static.


In Hilary? Yeah, maybe not.

But thankfully the President isn’t the only person in power, and under her, we have at least some ability to achieve those goals, since Bernie and Warren and their ilk are her allies and she needs them.

A President isn’t a Policy. It’s democracy, you have to vote a lot of times for a lot of people who all maybe have one or two things in common with you.


But it’s okay to join the left-wing (and right-wing, and middle-wing) naysayers in just emphasizing her negatives?


Well, no one has convinced me of her “positives.” They just say “Vote for her or you’re voting for Trump, you asshole.”


To think we got stuck with the one candidate that won’t reverse our economic decline and put the poor back to work.

I hear she won’t raise the dead, or heal the sick with her touch, either. So yeah, fuck her.


This thread has devolved into an unusual abyss, I’ll depart with this intelligent remark.


If that’s all you’re hearing, you’re not listening.


Sanders would at least have tried. She’s not evening pretending to.

Sorry I don’t buy her bullshit.


Well said, but I do still think there’s a case to be made that the mainstream Democratic party never actually compromises with the far left. It certainly has never seemed so since I became politically conscious.

That might not be all that’s being said, but that particular message is being broadcast at a deafening volume. I think you can give people the benefit of the doubt that even if they do listen, they might still hear a whole lot of “Vote for her or you’re voting for Trump, you asshole.”

Also, listening is a bit of a two-way street (or should be IMO).


I wish I had something convincing to say, but this is the Internet. I think the only coherent thought I have is this: If there isn’t a candidate on the ballot you like, vote for the least worst and work to get a better one on it next time. Bernie was just one candidate for one office; it’s not good enough. Be glad the establishment is worried enough that they’re even entertaining your ideas, because they might half-heartedly implement one or two, and if they succeed they’ll be more receptive next time.

Oh, and has it occurred to anyone to use the TPP as leverage for a jobs program or something? I mean, if there’s that much push to have it passed, you might be able to get something that mitigates its effects on us workers while still getting us cheaper goods.


Or maybe it’s good that she changes her opinions over time, like real humans do, based on experience, new information, being convinced by others or maturity. I suspect in her case, it’s a bit of both.