Lazy Web request: Excel password protect removal

Ugh. I saved it .xlsm but it won’t seem to let me do anything in the Visual Basic Editor. Insert module is grayed out. Lame. I may just upload it to Google and use it there.

I agree. Smart money would have been to run a Kickstarter to solve the issue.


Have you tried turning your machine off and restarting? BAM.

It is not really a security vulnerability, in that hiding and/or locking cells is not a security measure.

The security vulnerability is that it is not made sufficiently clear that it’s not a security measure, so people keep using it as though it were one.

Quick question regarding the vb warning–does the spreadsheet actually have any vb macros? If you are getting that warning it does not necessarily mean that there are any vb macros in your workbook (or so I recall).

Or, you know, any of the hundreds of tech support websites. But hey! You get what you pay for.

You’ve been spending quite a bit of time in this thread being upset that I posted a quick question to my own Web site. Seems like you might be happier if you’d have just scrolled right past to the numerous other posts on the front page.


You don’t make a good enough case for me to want to help you.
Now who is lazy?

Learn how it works so you don’t have to.

You’re like some kind of spreadsheet god.

Nope. Much like kids playing soccer at the park where you want to have a wedding, I’ll just keep kicking my ball around wondering why anyone would do that here. Sure you can have a wedding in a public park but don’t be surprised when the other park visitors think it’s a bit daft and trashy.

Nonsense! It’s a public utility!

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This isn’t like a public park. This is my Web site and you have been invited to participate in this forum. And you aren’t just kicking your ball around wondering, you are attempting to make me feel badly about doing something on my own Web site. That is rude.


Yeah, we have to remove the password first. Is this something you can share? If yes, can you me? I assume you can get my email from my profile. If no, you basically need to open the file in a zip editor, then you’ll see a bunch of xml files inside, we just need to find the right one and remove the password.

Also, do you need the VBA code?

That’s one way to look at it. I still think the analogy stands. The BoingBoing park is a playground which has been open to the public for years now. Visitors to the park expect to discover weird, wonderful and wicked things to be found in technology and culture. As such, seeing a personal “I need computer help” question is going to make some people wonder why the park is being used in this manner. Heck, some people have been visiting the park for so long, they even feel a sense of ownership and concern for it.

When asked about the post, one of the park managers replies “This is our playground and we can do what we please”. A visitor points out that this sort of thing is going to seem a bit daft and trashy to allot of people, so the park manager replies that this is his park and such comments might make him feel bad so the visitor is being rude.

Rude? Maybe. Sorry if I was. I really just want to have a nice playground to visit without it being turned in to someones personal tool. I certainly did not anticipate you claiming the bOINGbOING playground as your own domain. But thanks for allowing (or inviting) me and the rest of the internet to play in your park. Very lordly of you. We really appreciate it, and the fact that without visitors and participants, your park would have closed long ago.

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Thanks, KiltedDad. Unfortunately, it contains someone’s personal financial info so I can’t send it. For now, I’ll just deal with it in Google. I may reach out to you in the future though about this and I really appreciate your help here. Thank you.

I’m going to close this thread now.

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