Leaked transcript: US soldier and security advisor aghast at Trump's reckless Syrian strike

No. You’re propagating fake dogshit…

SA: There has been a hidden agenda all along. This is about trying to ultimately go after Iran. What the people around Trump do not understand is that the Russians are not a paper tiger and that they have more robust military capability than we do.

AS: I don’t know what the Russians are going to do. They might hang back and let the Syrians defend their own borders, or they might provide some sort of tepid support, or they might blow us the fuck out of the airspace and back into Iraq. I honestly don’t know what to expect right now. I feel like anything is possible. The russian air defense system is capable of taking out our TLAMs. this is a big fucking deal…we are still all systems go…

In real life, no one has a genuine verbal conversation like what they posted in Welt, using long, carefully-constructed sentences with subordinate clauses. It reads like a conversation conjured up by a spy novelist.


It reads to me like this has been translated and re-translated a couple of times; real-world conversations tend to end up like something out of a language course textbook that way. Also, Die Welt would tone down profanities a bit.

As to whether this is for real or not, your guess is as good as mine.

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Very much like the Old and the New Testaments. I don’t know which would be worse, fake news or this.

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It is likely to sound stilted when the person writing it doesn’t speak English as their first language, comrade. :wink:


Believing something that sounds so fake simply because it aligns with your preconceived notions puts you in the club with Jade Helm conspiracy theorists and is only one step away from being that Planet Ping-Pong guy. Look, Trump is an idiot. But this doesn’t sound at all like a conversation between Americans that are part of the defense and security apparatus. They are pretty skeptical of Russia’s ability to project power outside of the former Soviet Union.

This reads like some some operative had written up a plausible dialog and then gave it to his political supervisor for approval. “Add in a section about how we’ll kick their ass. And emphasize how the Syrian airstrike was a legitimate target.” “But…okay, (whatever)”


Oh, i can play too!

After Hersh exposed the Mai Lai massacre during the Vietnam War and the U.S. military’s abuses of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, we should listen to everything this guy says.

How many points did I get?


Is it possible that the person who doesn’t speak English as their first language didn’t write it, but instead transcribed it?


This seems 100% legit and doesn’t at all read like a piece of fanfiction


If someone is brilliant in their youth and then becomes senile, does his senility discredit everything he did in his youth?

Hersh’s disgraceful Bin Laden article is suffused with half-truths and outrageous, baseless statements by partisans with obvious axes to grind. Once you publish an article like that, even a retraction is no remedy. He’s in journalistic freefall now and has not yet, apparently, hit bottom. We seem to be witnessing some sort of incipient senility.

"…despite widely circulated US intelligence that said that no chemical weapons had been used."
The thing that worries me is that Cory would write that up and post it in the first place. Why would be believe that? It would be good to hear his reply.

This information has been out there since the day after the incident - certainly not in major outlets. But there has also been pushback against this story by usual suspects as well - almost as if it was planed. Fave “evidence” is dudes playing around in munition’s crater with dust masks, with and without gloves. http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper_tyrannis/2017/06/the-white-helmet-buffoons-of-khan-sheikyoun.html

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0 sources even on the linked article.

Why? Because it matches his political agenda. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a reply from him. Seems he doesn’t actually care about being debunked.

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