Originally published at: Learn Kanji, one character a day, with this daily practice pad | Boing Boing
Several years to gain basic Kanji skills huh?
There’s 2000 common Kanji that elementary students are expected to learn.
There’s really no other way to learn kanji than to just write, and write, and write, and…
I’m sure you can speed things up if you want. The problem is that you lose it pretty fast when you stop using it every day (speak from experience).
I thought Kanji was writing ?
Should have been “speaking from experience”. I studied Japanese for a few years and got quite proficient at reading and writing, but have since lost most of it.
If you want to learn kanji, read novels and look up every character that you do not know. You will see and look up the same kanji over and over again until you know it. That’s what I did anyway.
I believe you, but that sounds a little like hell and a lot like migraine headaches!
If the book is interesting (and there is a ton of great literature that has never been translated into English), it gives you the will to push through. I was reading a page every ten minutes or so at the start of my first novel. By the end, I was down to about 2-3.
P.S. I had been studying for a few years before I graduated from manga to proper novels.
Does this teach kanji in the same order that the national curriculum does? I find a lot of materials aimed at the English speaking learners focus on simple to write characters over frequently used characters, with little attention paid to radicals and phonemes. Following the national curriculum opens up materials aimed at Japanese speakers.
At any rate, I’d recommend supplementing any reading practice with a Japanese kanji dictionary aimed at elementary students. Does a much better job of providing linguistics context and explaining the important bits that don’t seem to be covered in other sources. Or at least that’s how it was for me, but my teachers were busy cramming 100 characters per week in the least useful method possible.
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