Let's focus on fixing problems, and not prejudice

I am fully onboard with this plan! Although, sadly, nearly all the minorities attaining higher education are those already highly privileged, that’s not a good reason to cease affirmative action.

In my opinion, affirmative action programs of various kinds need to be intelligently and continuously applied until they aren’t needed any more. (And I’ll be long dead when they aren’t needed any more, if that day ever comes.)


I have to say this thread is a pretty great counter-point who think idpol is a neoliberal plot.

For sure. I was responding to this:

Of course, I just don’t think it ends with race. For example, you also have people with Tourettes, or Aspergers who are perceived a certain way and suffer accordingly despite their abilities or efforts. They’ve been bullied, lost work opportunities, been hated for being different. If we focus on race, we aren’t looking at the individual. We need to look at the problems of hate, prejudice, and lack of equity.

Yes, redistribution of wealth should happen in conjunction with the widespread public intolerance of prejudice. Neither of those would work on their own.

Solidarity means “mutual support”. If I’m in a position to support someone in another demographic, I do. That said, some individuals from other demographics are able to make a bigger difference that I am as an individual, and I think they should too, white or otherwise. It should include everyone speaking out for and supporting those who are being oppressed. That is solidarity. Not just white men helping everyone else, but those who are able to help doing so when they can.

It’s true. It’s the same point that I made above.

It’s like a board game in which one group always got a 5 turn advantage, but the groups who didn’t have the advantage could not opt out. The people without the advantage finally mobilized to confront this- and in response some of the people with all those extra turns are shrugging their shoulders and asking to just change the rules, because the game doesn’t sound fun anymore.

We can look at differently abled individuals and see their discrimination, and we can continue to look at race and gender and see the discrimination there.

Groups are made of individuals. Because of this, it has to be understood as a the social problem that it is, not as an isolated incident.

People who are intimate with discrimination are generally very attuned to this. Sometimes some of those who are comfortable aren’t, and spend more of their energy deflecting and arguing with the oppressed about the validity of their oppression than supporting in any meaningful way.

Ergo the call for solidarity.


Yep! Or to put it another way:


More women than men were against women’s suffrage:

I know how I would vote.

This is solidarity:

I know which side of that march I would join.

Suggestions that white men want inequality would be a blanket statement and prejudice. It drives a deeper wedge.

Do you?  


Which is why no one here is saying that. No one here has said that.


You seem to find it insignificant that as a white American man, you’re up on that relatively higher platform.

The cartoon illustrates the reality that while most white people, men and women, are fine with the idea of racial equality, they’re unwilling to work for it, and perhaps worse yet, unwilling to acknowldege that inequality, including their collective comfort, has come at the expense of most members of other groups.


Thank you, this is a better analogy.


I think it’s very significant. I also think there’s more to it than being a white man.

The cartoon still shows a white man who is completely uninterested in equality. It’s more complicated than that I think. Oversimplification might be fine in cartoons, but in worldviews it can be harmful. I think more and more people are interested in a socialist society where do help each other out. Our views are not being represented in government by an elite few.

I hope we can agree that Bernie Sanders, the socialist would have been elected had there been less meddling by the rich, ruling elite. That cartoon might look pretty different.

The ruling elite want us fighting amongst each other. That’s been Trump’s entire strategy and it’s worked.

I don’t see why you find this significant.

Patriarchy seeps into the psyches of both men and women, just as white supremacy does those of both white and non-white people.

I supported Sanders generally, but he was pretty clubfooted when it came to racial issues, e.g.,

Skipping lightly over race-based justice in pursuit of class-based justice just isn’t the way to win many non-white votes. It isn’t the way to solve racial inequality either.

And, although you can’t seem to hear this point, saying that we still need to focus on race-based justice is not the same thing as saying that all white men are to blame for the lack of racial equality.

Saying that we live in a white supremacist patriarchy is not the same thing as saying that all white men are white supremacist patriarchs.


As well as women’s issues.


Speaking of which, this whole thread could use a read of this:


I’ve long appreciated that site.

However, in looking at it again, it’s disappointing to see it hawking, apparently without irony, an essay-writing “service.” Unless I’m mistaken, this plagiarists-for-hire site is for real, instead of what it should be if linked from Derailing for Dummies, a site that somehow tells students and others that they should do their own damn writing.



In some ways.


I’m going to lay down the harsh truth of true progressivism:

We’re trying to create a System and culture that discourage any kind of aggressive dominance among all of humanity in order to satisfy their own Ego. United States of America is the Kind of Evil Empire Founded on the Conquest of unexplored lands, Plundering of Resources, and the Enslavement of “Savages”, all in order to participate in the European Trade Market. Capitalism is the Root of all Evil and should be snuffed out in all of their forms, at the cost of the material lifestyle brought by the violations of Human rights, and the Destruction of the BioSphere. United States and its European allies are responsible for the destruction and strife within countless nations, caused by their practice of Imperialism.

That’s the Harsh Truth, and we have to let the entire world know this reality so that they can denounce this kind of life style for the sake of the future of the human race. It’s a shame that the most vile people United States have to offer are Wealthy Christian Cis-males of Roman Descent, who use their power to destroy competition, enforce Propaganda, and capturing Federal Institutions, all for the sake of Plundering Resources for feed the material monstrosity that is Capitalism. So if you wanted to have a talk about making Progressivism inclusive, then focus on transforming your nation into a multicultural democracy in which stability of life outweigh the materialism of Capitalism.

As for Race and the Systematic Genocide of the Non-roman descendants, it’s a result of the Wealthy seeing them as a threat to their dominance over the Market, and willing to create a system that kept them in poverty for countless generations.


No one said or suggested this. You keep arguing against points literally no one here made.


A Guide to Derailing Conversations

How do you derail a conversation that was off the rails to begin with? I see a lot of arguing against points that were never made, making the term “conversation” overly generous.


Hey, that Prodigy Fat of the Land record turned my head too.

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