Let's sketch together online with Mo Willems!

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/18/lets-sketch-together-online.html


No insult to Mo intended…


I view the impending collapse of my company with a mixture of fear and excitement. Fear because, gosh it’s nice to be able to pay the bills. Excitement because, gosh I’m tired of my job and would like to try something new – ideally something creative – before I die. I’d say the split is 70% fear and 30% excitement at the moment.


I love Mo Willems books. When my kids were little, they would pore over his books for hours (well, minutes, actually, a long time for a toddler). And I enjoyed reading them too. They were also some of the first books that my daughter actually read by herself. Love it!

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Agreed. Mo Williems books are pretty great.

Also, check out Jon Agee his artwork and abstract stories make for great books.


These look really cute. My little ones are bigger now and are onto things like Hunger Games and Scythe. Much less cute, but still good books.

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