Letter to the Editor

The Wordy Weirdo Fund.


I will accept a go on your bike and three random items from your toolbox as recompense. Good Day Sir.


Wasn’t supposed to be.

you could be up in arms about the dead kid, or merely content to let others have their feels without disruption.

But I guess we all have our own dragons to slay. Maybe I misunderstood, but you seem more upset about the moderation regime.

And as The Onion headline that was posted today shows (“Obama Calls For Turret-Mounted Video Cameras On All Police Tanks”), having cameras on the enforcers doesn’t mean shit if they’re not held accountable for the wrongs they do.

Cameras are a first step.
The second step is having prosecutors and police dept brass who hold repeat problem offenders responsible and force them out of the ranks.
The third step is to make these public employees start following the laws and the Constitution and do it without combat weaponry.


Isn’t the OP Rob Beschizza?


From the letter, that appears to be what he said.

Other people have said this as well, and they were not banned for it, so I’m thinking he probably was victim blaming.

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''The Right’s Questions" are often pretentiously presented as ‘the right question’.


For the most part, people are treated fairly by the police. Voila, the parallel. Honestly, I’ve made my point. We all like to take sides and demonize (phrasing?!) the other, but it is a more useful effort to see both sides. Now, imagine you are the trolley who got banned (again, probably rightfully), and you feel like a victim (wrongly or rightly), banned for victim-blaming, then you see what appears to be hypocrisy in the thread shaming you for just that bad behavior.

To be clear, I think the cop shot an innocent kid, and from what I understand, the subject of the OP should have been banned. I am not trying to trolley either of these issues in the least. You do not need to agree with me on either topic in order to discuss the way in which we talk about abuse and abusers, be they police or trollies.

It’s not new. I believe it made an appearance in the royal courts of 18th century France.

Its hard managing so many accounts!


I love nothing more that credit from the intellectually bankrupt.

The burro’s what?


I have seen far more online communities destroyed by moderators refusing to ban bad apples, making everyone else want to leave, than I have seen destroyed by excessive moderation. BB is pretty damn vibrant comment-wise.


Seems you’ve found your place in the circle though, eh?


That’s true only if you survived long enough for culpability to be determined by the judicialry, rather than the exectutive.

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No, you’re not screaming about free speech, NOR HAS ANYONE SAID THAT ABOUT YOU

All I can say is that your awareness, as self described by you is acute. I say it may be obtuse. Just my opinion.

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Pass the mayo.

The burro’s soon, of course. “Soon” is Indonesian for angel hair. It sounds great. I’ll be bringing the ocelot’s gherkins. Is this a black tie affair?


I love how a racist troll provides the opportunity for plenty of other outright trolls to claim persecution.

I can imagine exactly why y’all were banned. You’re highly obnoxious, self-obsessed, and don’t know when to shut up.


a little bit crude , but here you go !! print out direct to fabric , or to decal paper !! voila !! a merit badge for you !! congratulations !!

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I suggest they get it as a face tattoo so they can get double the persecution-pleasure!