Listen to Japan's airstrike alarm system

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Think of it, that’s the last sound you’d ever hear…

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Thats nightmareish. And I remember air defence sirens from my childhood. I grew up in 1980s Westgermany, in Frankfurt, which would probably have been one of the first cities the Soviets would have nuked if the cold war turned hot (Located at the end of the Fulda gap, mayor city and hub of industry and infrastructure, US Military bases all over the place, the HQ of the american forces in Europe, Rhine-Main airbase…). So we had month a testof the air raid sirens. I didn´t fully grasp it as a child, but now as an adult I understand how surreal and nightmareish the whole situation was. An I really hoped to never hear such a noise again…


holy shit, how do we let them get away with this? So we can’t bomb them because their first strike would be Seoul. Fine. Plus the civilian casualties just can’t happen. But I sure hope the UN is doing something and just not telling us. Like there better be some bad ass type dudes sneaking in to slit Kim Jong-un’s throat. How do we know that missile wasn’t meant to hit ground and maybe malfunctioned? Fuck these guys.

I’m more worried about missiles that malfunction and hit Japan. That would be the beginning of a very bad time for humanity.


I find it curious that they never use the missile defense systems that they have. I mean how can they know if the missile is armed with a warhead or not? The reaction time difference between are real attack and a test must be nil.

I think that either they have solid intelligence that the DPRK won’t really attack or that they don’t (yet) have the capability for a real strike. Or (more likely) the defense systems don’t actually work.

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Not nearly nightmarish enough. That’s so mellow you could just sleep through it. They need something truly panic-inducing.

Kim is an insane attention-seeking megalomaniac who lives in carefully constructed bubble totally divorced from daily reality. Fortunately, our president is, um…okay, we’re boned.


I’m quite disturbed by the number of comments from people who seem to be making up their opinion of the situation (and the how to react to it) from an Hollywood point of view.

Note that I am in no way defending the North Korean regime, but the idea its ruler(s) are insane or stupid is both idiotic and counter-productive. In short, they are not Bond villains. What they are is autocrats who have no intention to either relinquish their power or to end up like Saddam Hussein or Gadhafi. As such, they perfectly understand that the only card they can play is leveraging ballistic nuclear missiles:
So long as they demonstrate they can hit Seoul, Japan and some US territory, they’re mostly safe. The latest missiles firing are just a way to tell Japan and to put pressure on the US so that they back off.

Assuming insanity in a political adversary is the first step in dehumanizing them and so makes escalation easier. Not a wise choice.


That’s normal on YouTube. Usually I notice it with gaming references to real events. Add the Trumpists, and you have a majority of people who don’t live in the real world anymore.

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Well yes, there too, but I was referring to comments here, in this hread.

Oh, well that’s different, that is just a grim sense of humor.

Yes, I believe that is the description of sanity in the DSM.

An entertaining real-time first-person perspective from my favorite YouTube video blogger:

Idiot Trump has only been making this worse. If rational heads pull together this can be dealt with.

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The missile that it is a US alert at the station has been issued
If fired missiles and missile from North Korea launch
It is a design that has been
Sturdy building Please evacuate or easy.

Iwate Prefecture in the target area, Aomori Prefecture Hokkaido, etc.
Miyagi Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi, Gunma Prefecture.

Missile has not been fired
It is a design that missile has been fired from North Korea this new
Although information went course this week is further North Korea made sense tonight.

It is a design that has been Hashirasa in the direction of the Tohoku region
Please evacuate to underground in a sturdy building
It is a design that missile has been fired in the direction of the Tohoku region
Please evacuate to a sturdy building or under.

Other important party J-Alert is killing of the US government
Has been
It is a design that missile has been fired from the mesa joint North Korea
Continuation is Masu Mari rounded to force becomes dating.

Well-established store journey Gourmet walk followed by fall and please equipped with a quick pace wearing
There please the target area equipped to continue the
Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture.

We become now
And replica
Target area
Hokkaido, Aomori, Miyagi
The autumn
We have this autumn
Four regions
We become now
The government of the firing squad after the J-Alert Ya.

It was issued earlier missile launch information
And is a design missiles from earlier North Korea has been fired
It is a design that missile has been fired from North Korea
Or should the sturdy buildings and pray to the bottom on the buildings and the Articles of Incorporation.

Please evacuate
Repeat the target area
Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture
Fukushima Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, is properly the same prefecture.

Target area Hokkaido and Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture
Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture
Ibaraki Prefecture is Tochigi, Gunma Prefecture
The laurels Northeast and circle Hokkaido Tohoku.

It was issued recently missile launch information
Deploy the continuation is a pattern that missile has been fired from North Korea
But then we will tell a great deal from time to time
In preparatioon for the grandparents to calm everyone can see the TV.

Please give me
I want to on the Above all long the Articles of Incorporation
Please be south.

Fifty-fifty around eight years North Korea-made egg missiles Tohoku
It is a design that has been fired in the direction
Target area
It is the state of Hokkaido Tomari of the current Ministry of Defense.

Because of the festival finale
So big sound and though already lower the rank
Was heard can not be until the next to.

This is in force in the video that captured the state because the current Ministry of Defense
In Niigata consideration to the body, such a child to the target area flame
I worked hard.

Repeat target area, Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture
Fever tie-up
Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture
Third place in Nagano Prefecture.

US North Korea fired a ballistic missile between the same icbm continent in late last month
Orimashi to
The month of August 10 days since its launch on the periphery of the market that it is icbm so
A plan that is passed through the Kochi situation in Hiroshima 1 in Enoshima
It had announced that it would consider.

To the US Last Saturday august 26th
The United States and sporadic is in the middle of the joint military exercises by South Korea
We fired a missile
Current As you can see.

It is a design that missile has been fired from North Korea
ihi alert J-Alert is earlier
Missile is it was out firing information but I will shy guys.

We waited an oil of Aomori Prefecture
It is Kanra-cho, balanced and I was this summer
Yangtze River.

This summer Spain is the whole target area Hokkaido and the Aomori Prefecture
Furthermore, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture
Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, Ibaraki, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture.

Or it is a total and customs authorities in Aomori in Hokkaido and and
Target area in junior has bought arrangement further Niigata Prefecture
Nagano Prefecture is not contained within the lost Niigata Prefecture Nagano
Prefecture tree to Uemura.

Repeat with Eboshi
Hokkaido and Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture
ya Miyagi matter, Takashiitaru Miyashita
In Gunma Prefecture and movie eyes Ibaraki, Tochigi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture
No contains also the target area Niigata Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture
Empty the target area of jp Morgan there to calm everyone.

There missile from earlier North Korea please to have been fired
It seems
Taiwan Massana building
And of Kusatu Please judge one share natural underground.

Local this other that information of nuclear tests in the news
Although we discussed the news, such as that entered
That apart from North Korea fired a missile is a si.

Information has been pointed out that
But J-Alert After the eve of the government
It was with out a previous missile launch information
Missile from North Korea is the winner has been the pattern.

However, there City Stadium ambassador also available. Although the force is all
San and here now please equipped to instep lied
We you can see the state of the Yamagata Prefectural Agricultural Hatakeyama house our
Fifty-fifty around eight years North Korea made tube missile Tohoku.

It is a design that has been fired in the direction
Target area, The Repeat
Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture
Fukushima Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture inspections
Gunma Prefecture
And there is no on screen, but Niigata Kinen.

An important party nationwide instant warning of the government, please mobile phone the system
This change the appointments that were issued earlier missile launch information
It is assumed in the land
From earlier North Korea.

It is a design that missile has been fired
Here is you can see the state of the current of Niigata, Niigata Prefecture
Target area is Hokkaido and Tohoku
Furthermore, it has turned out to be the Kanto north
There is no for eco is subject odds in Niigata Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture
That the region
This gelato has been announced.

Repeat the the target area Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture
And Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, Ibraraki Prefecture, Tochigi and Gunma Prefecture
It has become a Niigata Prefecture Nagano Prefecture.

British information will be college student were you in the back, but the helicopter
Please equipped to traveling calmly and everyone can see.

US North Korea also fired a ballistic missile between the two times icbm continent in July
The Eto home without entering we were and this month to icbm4 Tatsuo
And fired in the vicinity order to obtain
Also passes through the silence after the round economist Joel Hiroshima, Shimane.

excel is the current state of the Ministry of Defense again
Well it has each of the three is written to each of the three interceptor but here
Yet there is no movement in Soul of cat-ordered knee
Although further manifestation of human information
Not be covered in Tokyo.

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As I write these words hundreds of bureaucrats are debating if and who should be members of the committee to decide the agenda for considering the color of the stationary to be proposed to the UN Sub-Committee of Strongly Worded Letters. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts half the bureaucrats are unavailable for the vote and since a two thirds majority is needed, the issue has been tabled until April of 2019.


Sorry to burst your bubble but this issue long pre-dates Trump and in fact theres no real evidence to support your claim.


What the hell did I just read?


I wrote ‘leveraging’, not ‘using’.

North Korea will never initiate an attack against S. Korea, Japan or the US. However, they are perfectly aware they could at best only stop a short while any assault against them. That means they must demonstrate that any such attack would mean heavy civilian casualties for the invading force (i.e. the chief of state deciding said attack would lose his seat, and might face a trial because the angry public would want heads to roll).

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