London Heathrow customs agent interrogates Edward Snowden's attorney

It’s cute that they’re pretending that the NSA doesn’t already spy on all of her communication activity.

“Where is Bradley Manning?” Oh, lord. Never mind that “Bradley” Manning doesn’t exist any more. “In my carry-on, where else?”

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What must the people who ask these questions think of themselves?

Righteous defenders of the state; scourges of the unrighteous; shrewd(!), knowledgeable(!!), stern but fair(!!!) judges of human character (especially of the fallen ones who refuse to follow in the path of Obedience).

The capacity of human beings for self-delusion is boundless.


They think that they’re very, very brave bad-asses, knights of honor, protecting the Free World from the scum who would tell those same bad-asses that they can’t do whatever they want to whomever they please.

Except their bosses, who control how much they get paid. They’d NEVER give a hint of lip to those folks.


“I can’t believe they pay me to bully people!”


Why would they ask her where Bradley Manning is? I mean, there are at least two big reasons why that question is ridiculous.


My guess? They are actually confusing Chelsea Manning with Edward Snowden. I know, right? That explains why they asked who E.S. was: they WEREN’T SURE.

Clearly we are not dealing with super-villain levels of intellect here.


Wait, why didn’t I get the memo we were now the 51st state?

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They were implying the inevitable fate of torturous treatment and then prison for Snowden? Or they are stupid thugs. Take your pick.

She facilitated a traitor. As far as I’m concerned she should be locked up in the same place Snowden is eventually going to end up.

And I am sure John Adams deserved to be jailed for defending the British in the Boston Massacre, too, eh?

You would actually prefer to see defense attorneys harassed and jailed, for doing their jobs to the best of their abilities?


As far as I’m concerned, this sums up my feelings:

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And why didn’t they ask the obvious follow-up question “Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?”


It’s a rhetorical question designed to harass and intimidate; e.g. both parties know the answer is “in prison” - the guard is implying that is also the destination for Jesselyn Radack if she continues to irritate the state.


Yeah, First Nations works for most people here in Canada, though individually people will often refer to themselves by band or specific heritage - while still holding that shared identity of ‘First Nations’. My friend identifies herself as a Micmac First Nations woman, but not necessarily in that order depending on the context.

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It really does just write itself, this stuff.

You forgot the part about someone needing to be convicted in a court of law. But that is not important in your worldview I suppose. Blind loyalty/naked tribalism is all you need if you don’t want or need to live in a civilized society.


It does make you wonder what these gorillas think they’re protecting; it sure ain’t freedom.

You’ve been trolling here before, under another name, and I claim my five pounds.